帮忙翻译成英文,多谢啦~~~ 老人慰问卡




帮忙翻译成英文,多谢啦~~~ 老人慰问卡

去敬老院的社会实践调查报告怎么写啊~ 活动名称:探望孤寡老人活动的目的意义:感受情亲,拒绝冷漠,温暖他人活动实32313133353236313431303231363533e58685e5aeb931333330323865施方法:1、到商场采购物资,防寒衣物、牛奶、饼干、油、大米等食物2、为老人准备诗歌节目,唱响红色经典歌曲,怀旧革命历史,激发老人们的热情3、为老人准备小品表演,怀恋旧时知青时代,模拟上山下乡经典历程4、在网上以及书籍搜集保健知识,推广给老人,让他们多运动,快乐生活每一天5、与老人们聊天,按摩手脚,让他们感受社会对他们的关怀,人世间的温暖。活动的实施条件:1、准备食物、防寒衣物2、群众演员的彩排表演、选择红色经典歌曲3、搜集保健资料4、各位成员想一下怎样与老人沟通,聊什么话题等。活动的特色优势:贴近民生,关爱孤寡老人,显出一份善心,送出一份温暖。活动的问题所在:1、活动中因节目彩排时间不足,一些人员唱歌忘词、而导致活动并不流畅地 进行,不过活动的气氛相当活跃,老人们很热情。2、活动前准备的物资不足,需要中途去购买,希望下次吸取教训,买足够的物资,以免现场困乱。3、活动中各成员很投入参与这次社会实践活动,各位相出一切的办法去哄老人们开心,关心他们生活健康。。

帮忙翻译成英文,多谢啦~~~ *Condition in a message sent,we will continue to receive my colleagues in various forms for her blessing and donations.*Admitted to hospital a week later,the office of several of my colleagues to see her,she was lying in bed weak to enter the plasma.Early radiotherapy for her great influence,has been vomiting,shock,was also accompanied by low-grade fever,massive loss of blood and white blood cell sharp decline in her eyes open even quite effortlessly.When we first love heavy gold condolences to her,she got up and let us struggle on his behalf to express our gratitude.After coming back from the hospital,each of us are very heavy heart that has never been away from us feel that death is so close,watching the painful expression*helpless we can only do its humble for her to alleviate the burden of medical expenses,prayer Ping'an good life.When we first meeting will be everyone's sympathy cards and donations to bring*,she is also a day of pain relief.Spent the early stages of 。


