花费我两周时间去打篮球 ( 翻译成英语) shouji.tmall.com 广告 全自动饮水机-京东618十七周年庆,超级百亿补贴。m.jd.com 广告 加载失败 点击重新加载 向网友提问 微信 微博 QQ QQ空间 答案纠错 。英语翻译 During my spare time,I'd love to swim,go hiking,play the basketball,read and watch the films.I've read many Chinese classic books,I love the Chinese classic culture very much.I love the French films most,especially the film\"leon\",which I love very much.what's I focus on the Chinese and universal military situations.Each time when I surf the Internet,I pay much attention on the Chinese advanced weapons英语翻译:好长时间没有打篮球了,虽然很热,但是很开心,更重要的是不会在无聊的时候去想得不到的东西. I haven't played basketball for a long time,though it's hot,but it makes me happy,what important is to make me not think about something I can't get when I'm bored.老师总是怀疑我是否在打篮球上花了太多的时间 英语翻译 老师总是怀疑我是否在打篮球上花了太多的时间My teacher always doubt whether I have spent too much time on playing basketball英语翻译 1.I spend an hour playing basketball every day2.Every night,I spend half an hour watching TV.3.He spent whole day finishing his homework.4.How much time does your grandfather spend doing exercise?5.She spends thirty minutes going for a walk every day.写个英语的短语帮下忙啊各位. Li Ming like play basketballvery much,Spend a lot of time playing basketball to watch basketball magazine.Grow up to become a professional basketball player if my dream can come true would be very famous and donated to a charity organization to help othersHe studies very hard is good at math and physics but teacher said his a little weak.His parents want to please a famous teaching English.Is li Ming's parents have necessary for he please talk about your opinion about the family
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