我在考英语 怎么说 考我英语怎么说的


“我在为了考试学习”用英语怎么说? I'm studying for the exam.一、重点词汇:1、为了,for;for the sake of;in order to;by way of;in the interest of.2、考试,examination;exam;test;examine.3、学习,Study二、造句:1、学习某人的榜样,massed learning;2、学习文化,learn from sb.'s example;follow sb.'s example;

我在考英语 怎么说 I am taking exam

你这是在考我吗 英语怎么说 are you testing me?比verify口语化一点.

我正忙着准备考试.”用英语怎么说 我正忙着准2113备考试5261.英文:I'm busy preparing for the exam。准备动词:4102prepare;1653 get ready;intend;plan名词:[军]ready;provision;readiness;set up

我在考英语 怎么说 考我英语怎么说的

谁告诉我“参加考试”用英语怎么说? 参加考试:1.to do an examination2.to take an examination3.to sit an examination4.sit for an examination5.take an examination6.sit for the examination.Examples:1.我将在2113十月份参加考5261试。4102I'm taking an exam in October.2.那个男孩借口生病没有参加考试。The boy didn't take the exam under the pretence of sickness.3.请准备一枝尖的铅笔和一块橡1653皮参加考试。Please equip yourself with a sharp pencil and a rubber for the exam.4.老师替他报名参加考试.The teacher entered him for the examination.5.她提前一年参加考试,算是(正式考试的)试考.She's taking the exam a year early,just as a trial run(for the real thing).

我在考试 英语怎么说?

你在考我吗?英语如何说 Are you testing me?


