牛津高中英语模块五凤凰 谁有凤凰牛津高中英语全模块的配套学习软件啊?或是知道在哪能下载到



牛津高中英语模块5第一单元单词解析是那种一个单词对应多个相关词组的类型,越详细越好 找一本2005年的高考英语词汇表,从头到尾认真背3-5遍,当然是只背你不熟的词,并且。

牛津高中英语模块五凤凰 谁有凤凰牛津高中英语全模块的配套学习软件啊?或是知道在哪能下载到

牛津高中英语五个必修模块,六个选修模块是哪些? 五个必修模块就是指译牛高中英语模块一-五,六个选修模块就是指模块六-十一.必修课程共10个学分,按模块1-5(即英语1-英语5)顺序开设.每个模块2个学分,36学时(每周4学时).学生修满10个必修学分,达到七级目标要求即达到.


牛津高中英语模块一到模块五的课文及单词 必修一:Unit 1School life in the UKGoing to a British high school for one year was a veryenjoyable and exciting experience for me.I was very happywith the school hours in Britain because school starts around9 am.and ends about 3.30pm.This means I could get up an hourlater than usual as schools in China begin before 8 am.On the first day,all students went to attend assembly.I satnext to a girl whose name was Diane.We soon became best friendsDuring assembly.He also told us that the best way to earnrespect from the school was to work hard and achieve high grades.This sounded like my school in China.I had many teachers in the past year and they each taughtonly one subject.Mr Heywood was my class teacher.My favouriteteacher was Miss Burke.She was the teacher who taught usLiterature.In our class there were 29 students.This isabout the average size for different classes.We also had different students in some classes,so it was difficult to remerber all the faces and 。


