我的梦想是当一个有钱人英文 英语翻译


我的梦想成为有钱人用英语写作 我的梦想成为有钱人用英语My dream is to be a rich man.My dream is to be someone who has money.我的梦想是成为有钱人,我必续为此努力。用英语怎么写 My dream is to become a rich man,I will continue to work My dream is to be a rich person,for which I will strive hard.My dream is to become a rich man,I will 。我的梦想是当个有钱人,你呢 我的白日梦也是英语作文我的梦想成为有钱人 If I were a millionaire,如果我是百万富翁If I were a millionaire,I would take use of 50%of moneyand donate 50%of it.Many people would buy a house or travel the world.As for me,I would start a school.If I had a school,I would be able to educate many children and teach them right from wrong.Anyone will tell you that chil-dren are a country’s future.If my dream comes true,I will be very happy because I will be doing my country a good service.假若我是百万富翁你若是百万富翁,你会怎么做?许多人会买幢房子或到世界 各地旅行。至于我,我会办一所学校。如果我有一所学校,我就 可以教育许多小孩并且教他们分辨是非。每个人都会说孩子是国 家的未来。我的梦想若实现的话,我将会很高兴,因为我将对国 家大有贡献。英语翻译 我的梦想每个人都有很多梦想。有些人希望一夜之间成为百万富翁。有些想一夜之间成为有名的人。我有太多太多的梦想。当我还是一名少女,我梦想成为一位像华伊莫金一样的科学家。然而,我清楚地知道,我不艰苦努力是不可能能成功的。所以,我在中学和大学里发奋努力以实现我的目标。从学院毕业后,我找到了一份教师的工作。虽然我忙于教学,但我从来没有放弃我的目标。我.英语翻译 My dream is to change the world.But it's impossible.Becuase only my power is not enough.So I have to try my best to study,and study harder than before.To be a rich man in the future.I can do thin.我的梦想是成为一个有钱的人法语怎么说 Mon rêve est de devenir un homme riche\ 首先,RMB前应用an做不定冠词修饰.其次,你的和已给出的答案均可.没有其他语法错误.

