小学五年级期中英语试卷分析 一个学生,小学五年级,期中考试试卷分析


小学五年级英语期中试卷加答案 买去呀一个学生,小学五年级,期中考试试卷分析 孩子这种过激的反应很可能是抑郁,或者躁狂的表现,建议你们带孩子到医院检查,确定病症,对症治疗。PEP小学五年级英语期中试题 http://www.pep.com.cn/xe/jszx/tbjxzy/pepxe/pepwb/pjcs/五年级上册英语期中试卷及答案 I.1-5 BAACBII.1.habit 2.century 3.instead 4.tired 5.fresh 6.fruitIII.1.really 2.staying 3.sports 4.listening 5.HealthyIV.1.build us up 2.insteadof 3.gets tired easily 4.Healthy eating habits 5.doing exerciseV.1-5 BCCAAVI.My friend Jack wasfat because he liked eating chocolate and ice cream.He felt tired easily.Oneday he saw some people running in the park.They looked really active.So hebegan running in the morning.In the afternoon,he plays basketball with hisclassmates after school.Now he is healthy.He has great fun doing exercise.Exercise helps to build him up.He wants to be a basketball player in thefuture.小学五年级下册英语期中试卷 I.1-4 ABCB 5-7 AACII.1.wealth 2.beef 3.tomatoes 4.chooses 5.lessIII.1.(to)keep 2.less 3.eating 4.sleeps 5.kindsIV.1-5 CABBAV.1-5 CACAB 6-10 CACCBVI.One possible version:It’s important for us to have a healthyeating habit.We need noodles,rice,milk,bread and eggs every day to give usenergy.Vegetables and fruit are necessary,too.Doctors say that we should eatvegetables eight to eleven times a week and we should eat fruit seven to ninetimes a week.Fish and meat have a lot of fat.We’d better eat them three orfour times a week.We should eat less junk food like French fries andhamburgers.They are bad for our health.A healthy eating habit can help uswork better.某次小学五年级的英语期中测验,全班同学的成绩均不理想,很多学生只答了50多分,班主任 参考答案:这种做法违背记忆规律,也是行之无效的。学生识记的效果和识记材料的性质和数量有关,在一定的时间不宜过多,否则,易引起学生过度的疲劳,降低记忆的效果。同时。


