我们通常用步行上学用英语怎么说 1.We usually go to school on foot.2.They are going to travel tomorrow.3.Tom reads newpapers every day.4.I am going to visit my grandparents this weekend.5.What are you going to do this evening?I am go.我打算周末去爬山用英文怎么说 I plan to go climbing the mountains this weekend.I am going to climb the mountains this weekend.英语翻译 1.I am going to go climbing with my friends at the weekend.2.when we arrived at our destination,we began to climb the moutain.3.There are beautiful flowers and many trees on the moutain,as well as lot.英语翻译 我们周末去爬山.We are going to climb the mountain this weekend.海伦明天去广州.Helen will go to Guangzhou tomorrow.放心,他会为你买好火车票的.Don't worry.he will buy the train ticket for you.冬天的时候,鸟儿会从北方飞到南方.The birds will fly from north to south in winter.马上就要上课了.Classes will begin in no time.我打算晚饭后去散步,你和我一起去吗?I’m going to take a walk after supper.Would you like to go with me?我想今天下午会下雨.I think it will rain this afternoon.会议很快就要开始了,你什么时候到?The meeting will begin soon.When will you arrive?因为放寒假,图书馆这两周不开了.The library will not be open these two weeks due to the winter vacation.明年的运动会将在北京举行.The sports meeting will be held in Beijing next year.如果太忙,我们就不去旅行了.We will not go traveling if we are too busy.明天下午你去购物吗?Will you go shopping tomorrow afternoon?后天的晚会会很精彩,我希望你们会参加.The party will be wonderful and I hope you can take part in it the day after 。他们打算星期五去爬山吗?用英语怎么说 您的问题很简单。呵呵。知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句:他们打算星期五去爬山吗?翻译:Are they going to go hiking on Friday?知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。他们明天打算去爬山吗?英文怎么说 未解决问题 等待您来回答 奇虎360旗下最大互动问答社区翻译 他们这个周末打算去爬山, they plan to climb the mountains this week
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