谁知道怎么设计植物配置与造景的快题啊 就是简单的平面图表示要用不同图标表示不同植物~明确画出植物层次~还要写植物名目表~
中国园林主要的造园手法是()。A.叠石 B.理水 C.筑台 D.曲径 E.植物造景 参考答案:A,B,E
英语翻译 怎么都是用工具翻的=那些语法逻辑都不对啊。555555…这是我手动自己翻的…献丑了啊。Through conducting investigations and studies into indoor plants landscape in Xi'an hotels,we can analyze the present status of Xi'an hotel's indoor botanic landscape(where the plants are placed;which types of plants and flowerpots are used,etc),as well as the advantages of these successful hotel indoor landscapes,in order to set up paradigms for the rest hotels to learn from.Meanwhile,we should also analyze the problems revealed in the studies and give further suggestions for the sustainable development of indoor landscaping in Xi'an hotels.呜呼~你要感谢我。
怎样快速学好园林景观植物配置? 范围比较广,没法给予好得建议 个人觉得务实 勤快比较重要