我如果长胖了你还会不会喜欢我英语 英语翻译


英语翻译, 我以前不喜欢,现在不喜欢你,将来也不会喜欢你 I 匿名用户 1级 2013-11-22 回答 I didn't like you before,I don't like you now,I will not like you,either. 追问: 时态?追问: 正确?追问: 还有最后那个either 。

英语翻译 1 我想 请你吃冰激凌/请你吃自助餐I want to have an ice cream/I shall take you to a self-service buffet meal.2 他痛恨的人是你,而不是我.The one he hates is you not me3 不知不觉中,我们的年龄越来越大了.可我们都还是单身.Unconsiously,we are getting older and older,yet we are still single。4 无论你怎么做,她都不会喜欢你的.因为你没有钱.No matter what you do,she would never like you because you have got no money。


英语翻译 The body healthy,strong,slightly fat,I like I like the movies,I like American movies Hollywood movies,I have a dream,do an actor,the dream is in senior 3 when it was found,but now it's too late,I can't go to the Beijing film academy school,this four years I spent here,but I won't give up my dream,I will act on my dreams。I'm from XXXX,XXXX is a beautiful city,is a long history of the city,is located in the northeastern province of OO,AA second home,this is a tourist city,with Asia's biggest aquarium,nuerhachi established qing dynasty in here,here is al gore,three stone mountain,red river valley,and so on.If you want to have a happy holiday so I think XXXX is a good choice。

英语翻译 I have still felt up to now that like you very much,though has already spent a long time,how it is if originally together then in we happily。I hate my own heart all the time in you of thinking,if God can in give one chance let us meet,I am sure to hold carefully,it is kind to you to come with all of my emotions。100%正确。

我如果长胖了你还会不会喜欢我英语 英语翻译

英语翻译 without gettingcooking.sharing.with

英语翻译, 我以前不喜欢,现在不喜欢你,将来也不会喜欢你 I didn't like you before,I don't like you now,I will not like you,either.

英语翻译 我不会告诉你我曾经喜欢过你 I wont tell you I loved\\liked you.这个地方就用动词过去式最地道了~电影里经常是这样的.

英语翻译 第一句是 I will not abandon you,because I love you第二句是 I wait forever you第三句是 I never flinch,would have been pursuing you其实在网上查就有了

英语翻译 是我在很早以前就先喜欢上了你 It was a long time ago when I first fell in love with youIt was me who first fell in love with you some time ago但直到现在我还是不能确定你有没有完全喜欢上我问题补充:till.


