我拥有这辆汽车十年了英语 未来的我作文



十年后的我作文 在生活、工作和学习中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调节自己的心情。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?下面是小编精心整理的十年后。

翻译英语(十年前我家没有汽车,现在已有一辆了。) There was no car/There were not any cars in my family ten years ago and now there is one.亲:高百老师祝你学习进度步,每天都内开心V_V。容望采纳,thx。

现在和十年前的上班出行的变化用英语介绍 We can clearly identify many significant changes in modes of transportation used by city dwellers from 2000 to 2010.我们可以清楚地识别在交2113通方式的城市5261居民从2000到2010多的重大变化。A very noticeable trend was the steady decrease in transportation by bicycle and on foot.In 2000,than 50%of people traveled to work on their own,while by 2010,less than 20%of travelers preferred cycling or walking to work.一个明显的趋4102势是骑自行车和步行的方式稳1653步下降。2000,超过50%的人到自己的工作,而2010,小于旅客的首选骑自行车或步行上班20%。During the same period,there was a large increase in the use of automobiles.In 2000,very few people owned a car.By 2005,approximately one out of every four travelers drove to work.This increased again,until 2010,when one in three travelers drove to work.在同一时期,人们对汽车的使用大量增加。2000,很少有人拥有一辆汽车。2005,大约每四个开车上班。这再次增加,直到2010,当一个人在三开车上班。When considering the reasons for these changes,people。

我拥有这辆汽车十年了英语 未来的我作文

求布加迪跑车的历史及出过的几辆跑车的简介(英文加上中文翻译) 布加迪是世界著名的老牌运动车品牌,1909年意大利人埃多尔·布加迪(EttoreBugatti)在德国创建布加迪公司,专门生产运动跑车和高级豪华轿车。

我的一辆 您好,欢迎光临淘车网。关于您咨询的买车问题,4s店会尽快给你配置新的钥匙,旧钥匙自动作废。期间,你要看好车辆,防止丢失、被盗。有一个问题?你买的宝马,是国产还是进口?国产。

英语作文 With the rapid development of science and technology,our lives will be better.Ten years later,perhaps every family has a car,I think it is not entirely a good thing,it would create pollution,the environment worse.And we know it is harmful,so we should try to drive less.Now,because people do not care for the environment,arbitrary felling of trees in the world less and less trees,the air is getting worse.We can not leave the air live,so we need trees,so cleaner air,making the Earth beautiful.Let us protect the environment,so that the future will be better.

为什么美国会有很多老爷车,车开过几十年依然可以上路。他们不需要检车,不会尾气不合格吗? 刚好看到这个题目,我也有这样的困惑:为什么几十年的车了还能正常上路?车检如何通过?此答案对题目可能…

人教版八年级下册英语听力材料翻译 八年级英语5261(下)(人教版)教材听力原4102文 1UNIT 1Section A1b Listen and look at the picture.Then number the names[1-5].Conversation 1Nurse:You don’1653t look well.What’s the matter,Sarah?Sarah:I was playing with my friends at the parkyesterday.Then it got windy,but I didn’t put on my jacket.Now I have a cold.Conversation 2Nurse:What’s the matter,David?Are you OK?David:I ate too much junk food at my friend’sbirthday party.So last night,I got a stomachache.I almost couldn’t get myself out of bed this morning.Conversation 3Nurse:What’s the matter,Ben?Can you move?Ben:Not really.I was playing soccer the other dayand I hurt myself.It seemed OK at first,but now I have a really sore back.Conversation 4Nurse:You look really tired.What’s the matter,Nancy?Nancy:I didn’t sleep very well last night.I have atoothache.It’s terrible。I can’t really eat anything either.It hurts a lot.Conversation 5Nurse:What’s the matter,Judy?Judy:I’m sorry,but it’s 。

英语翻译 1 My cousin bought a new bike five days ago.2 How long did you sleep last night?3 His uncle has been here for ten years.4 The train has left the station.5 That little bird has been dead for half an hour(或者 That little bird died half an hour ago.)


