“最近我总是想起你、想起我们在一起的那段时光”怎么翻译成英语啊 Recently,I always remember you,think of the happy time we spent together You always come into my mind these days,as well as those days when we were together.不知道为什么总是想起你,翻译成广东话 普通话:不知道为什么总是想起你。粤语正规写法:唔知点解成日都谂起你。英语翻译 Memory is like a bridge,which leads to the lonely cage.Memory is where you appear,without any reason,although we've separated for quite a long age.Occasionally,you appear there.The cage of time is weakened by memory and all the things returned to the past summer day.I met you again.At that time,you are so pure without the erosion of time.The sunshine brought wind,which blew your black hair.When the fingers touched the black and white keys,the familiar tone rung around the ears.You turned your head and smiled to me.亲爱的 我忘记不了你、在深夜总是想起你、、、英文是什么 DearI can't foeget you,and always miss you in the middle of the night!楼上的 想是THINK 么?恋爱中好像是MISS吧 有一首歌叫《I MISS YOU》没听过么?错误犯的很低级!为什么每当夜深人静的时候总是想起你,用英语怎么说 Why I am always thinking of you in every late night?Why everytime I want to forget you,I always think of you?Why I always think of you whenever I want to forget\ Every time I stay up at night,I will always think of youEvery time I suffer an insomnia,I will always think of you英语翻译 “为什么我总是不自觉的想起你?为什么你要给我留下一片伤心的回忆?你叫我对你 Why do I always do not consciously think of you?Why do you want to leave me a sad memories?You told me I have to do to you,but you still have to leave me.You're a heartless man.\"Translate them into studying BA help!亲爱的 我忘记不了你、在深夜总是想起你、、、英文是什么 还有采纳我的答案,让我赚赚分^_^,网址:ydbai点com (把“点”改成“.”复制到地址栏访问,【一定败】导 购 网),那里有我的超级经验分享,有我总结的详细购物步骤和购物“最近我总是想起你、想起我们在一起的那段时光”怎么翻译成英语啊 “最近我总是想起你、想起我们在一起的那段时光”怎么翻译成英语啊 Recently,I always remember you,think of the happy time we spent together在无尽漆黑的夜晚,总是想起你.用英语怎么说? 1.I always think of you at the endless dark nights\\2.In the endless dark night I always miss you
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