他为孩子们拿来一些糖英语 英语翻译


英语翻译昨天讨论的问题十分重要他是一个举止得体的人已经养成的习惯很难改变 主席宣读了一份预先准备好的声明孩子们更喜欢由橘汁 糖 水制成的饮料

他为孩子们拿来一些糖英语 英语翻译

英语翻译 1These words do not meant to hurt you but encourage you.2Kids can play tricks on those neighbours who refuse to give them candies on that date.3 I wrote a letter to Yao Ming.Do you know how he deals with those letters from his fans?4In order to do the analysis,he consulted several experienced experts.5He has been suffering from headache for a long time,so the doctor recommended him to ask for a vacation.6I just came back from England,now I am gonna tell you some updated news.7Have you figured out the problems with your car?8Some people want to give up,but the team leader urged them to move on.手工翻译 请采纳祝你快乐:)

给孩子们糖作为生日礼物英语翻译 the children will receiv candies as gifts

他的邻居们通常用一些糖果招待孩子们--- 翻译成英文 His neighbours usually treat kids with treats他的 邻居们 通常 招待 孩子们 用 糖果

他的妈经常用一些糖果来招待我们。英语 你好,为你解答,正确答案为:His mother always treats us with some candies.不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

英语翻译 我的家人总是在10月31号傍晚举行一次有趣的聚会 My family always holds an interesting party at dusk on October 31st.祝你教师节快乐 Happy teacher's day。儿童们在儿童节过得很快乐 The children had a good time on children's day.人们有时用南瓜做特殊的灯笼 People sometimes make special lanterns made of pumpkins.人们给我们一些糖果作为招待 People give us candies as treats.中国的孩子是7岁上学吗 Do chinese children go to school at age我们的寒假一月十七号开始 Our winter holiday started on January 17th.我今天下午三点去看医生 I will go to a doctor at 3 this afternoon.十月有一个长假吗?是的 Is there a long holiday in October?Yes,there is.这就是我每周要做的事 This is something I need to do every week.我们的班会四点开始,五点结束 Our class meeting starts at 4 and ends at 5.他为什么如此开心,因为今天是他的生日 Why is he so happy?Because today is his birthday.

孩子们吃了很多糖。用英语怎么说 你好!孩子们吃了很多糖The children ate a lot of sugar


英语翻译 1 the speech affected the audiences deeply2 the differences between them are the size,but their sorts are the same.3 i promise to pay the money within six months4 this bad news strikes me heavily5 he.


