有很多与家人交流的时间 英语 求英语翻译.安排一次五天的旅游.多与家人交流.【不要百度上翻译的】


帮我编一段英语对话 你认为和家人交流重要吗. 一.Family NightBoth my parents are so busy that they have to work on the computer at home everyday,and we have little time to have a talk.Then one night there was on electricity,they could not work an.

有很多与家人交流的时间 英语 求英语翻译.安排一次五天的旅游.多与家人交流.【不要百度上翻译的】

英语翻译 1 although they have many excause2 You will better understand your parents when you talk with them.3 For these arguments,the reason is often lack of communication.4 Therefore,the key is communication.Take a little time to communicate with your family member each day,make your family happier,conducive to our physical and mental growth.

不要占用和家人交流的时间英语 Don't occupy the time communicating with families

2句英语翻译。● 1.I will spend most of my time with my family,and if i have enough time,i will pay a visit to my high school classmates.2.My oral has improvde and kwon how to communicate with others.That boosts up my confidence。

我们应该多花点时间和家人相处英语 We should spend time staying with our family.

(我将在那时候回家多和家人交流)用英语怎么说? I shall be back home by that time and communicate with my family.

他们没有太多的时间与父母交流用英语怎么说 They don’t have much time to communicate with their parents.

求英语翻译.安排一次五天的旅游.多与家人交流.【不要百度上翻译的】 安排一次五天的旅游.A five-day trip has been arranged.多与家人交流.You need to have communications with your family.【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为你解答。

如何快速会说英语,与人交流? 好吧,我认为阅读是基础,能读多快全在自己。在有相当阅读量的基础上,并且能基本准确掌握英语发音,遇到…

#有很多与家人交流的时间 英语

