如果暗恋一个人,但却不可能在一起,做朋友好还是莫生人好。 其实你已经想的很清楚,知道你们两个是不可能在一起的。你的不能放手,是否是你真的爱他?还是你的不甘心?有人曾说过,世界上真正难做到的不是得到,而是放手。因为我们每。
英语翻译 I remember that a friend has once told me,that a man's greatest miscalculation and mistake is no other than turning his confidante into his lover.Let's forget what happened last night,shall we?I don't want to lose you.You know that if we keep going like this,our relationship will definitely end one day,so let me just be your confidante,please?
为什么明明很多好朋友,难过的时候却找不到一个人诉说? 谢邀!朋友有远近,亲戚有厚薄!好多称为朋友的大都是如履薄冰的表面感情,真正的朋友是需要时间检验的,这只能意会很难言传!且行且珍惜吧,相信会有真正适合你的朋友。