某某市应急指挥中心英语怎么写 以朝阳市为例:Emergency Command Center in Chaoyang City勤务指挥中心的英文,是不是Radio....什么的? It really depends on what type of control,supervision.(land,sea,air.)(1)Radio Control and Command Centre(2)Radio Control.参考资料 查看原帖>>英语翻译 1.Front of the transmission of the command control center of the system topology as follows2.Typical case:Traffic junctionAccident-prone areas monitoring systems,smart access control systems,airport Xing Lifang monitoring,Apron control,perimeter monitoring3,channel monitoringFrequent flow of people in the terminal entrances and exits,usually provides for one-way walk.To prevent staff out of reverse,resulting in traffic congestion chaos,mobile monitoring system set up orientation,access to the violation of the direction of staff warned by the security personnel approached stop.Add:important security site monitoring \\ hovering monitoring公安局指挥中心英语怎么说 Public Security Bureau Command Center“110指挥中心”的英文怎么写? 110 Command Centre.交通指挥中心怎么用英文说,谢谢 traffic commanding centre“110指挥中心”的英文怎么写? 110 Command Centre.交通指挥中心怎么用英文说,谢谢 traffic commanding centre应急指挥中心英文名字 Emergency Command Center in(地名或署名)如 杭州市为例:Emergency Command Center in Hangzhou City校园110指挥中心 的英文怎么写 Campus Policing Command Center 校园警务指挥中心我觉得这个可以
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