英语翻译:我从来不考虑困难的事 我在考虑考虑翻译


请帮忙翻译一句话:“我在考虑我到底是否应该开始努力了” I am thinking about wether I should start working hard

英语翻译:我从来不考虑困难的事 I never consider things which/that are difficult.

英语翻译:我从来不考虑困难的事 我在考虑考虑翻译


让我考虑考虑 英语怎么说? 让我考虑考虑的英文:Let me think about it. think 读法 英[θ??k]美[θ??k] 1、v.认为;想;记起;考虑 2、n.想 短语 1、think habitually 惯性地想象 。

英语翻译:我希望你能考虑我的建议 我希望你2113能考虑我的建议英文:I hope you will consider my proposal.词汇解5261析:一、hope英[h??p]美[ho?p]n.希望;信4102心;被寄予希望的1653人(或事物)v.希望,期待;认为短语:in hopes of 希望能…;怀着…的希望in the hope that 怀着…的希望;希望能…only hope 只有希望二、consider英[k?n?s?d?]美[k?n?s?d?r]v.考虑;考虑到;认为短语:all things considered 从全面考虑consider doing 考虑做…consider doing something 考虑做某事三、proposal英[pr??p??z?l]美[pr??po?z?l]n.提出建议;提议,提案短语:proposal for sth 预备;提建议design proposal 设计方案,设计建议to table a proposal 提出建议扩展资料词义辨析:suggestion,advice,proposal这三个词都可译为“建议”,其区别在于:1、advice是针对某一行动提出的;You'd better have legal advice before acting.诉讼之前你最好求教律师。2、suggestion针对某一问题,尤其是为解决困难或改进工作提出的;We welcome any suggestion that helps to improve our work.任何有助于改进工作的建议我们都欢迎。3、proposal是供他人考虑或采纳。

英语翻译:我希望你能考虑我的建议 I wish you to consider my advice.

英语翻译 It is not easy to make a right decision.1 He held many hearings to get suggestions from everyone.2 I have always been thinking how to make less mistakes.3 Don't hurry,I won't urge you to make a decisi.

英语翻译 Personally,I do not think we shoud choose at the center of very prosperous cities,but mainly consider about the transportation questions and parking plot questions.存人工翻译,简单而易理解,.


