请英语高手帮我汉译英几个句子 1 they won't go swimming this winter vacation.2 will you go swimming on Sunday?3 where will he go after school?英语翻译 He often goes swimming on weekends.I go home by bus after school every day.This boy is the newest member in the flower-interesting group.Messi often scores for his soccer team.咱们放学后去游泳俱乐部好吗?英语翻译 What about going to the swimming club after school with me?我们放学后去游泳池吧翻译英语是? How about go swimming after school?(觉得有用请设为好评哦)英语翻译 We often play together after school.2 I'm going to visit city park.3 how you go to school?4 the blue bird is singing loudly.5 what do you usually do?6 doctor salving patients.7 the police to our city became a place of safety.Do you want to)to become an astronaut?9 he lived in the rose garden district of wenzhou tower 2 1803.This building is ⑩ 10 layers,he lived in the attic.11 and campus has a garden,a swimming pool and a few court.12,who lived in the tallest building?13,(the way)in a traffic jam14 and the many cars,buses,and trolley in serious traffic jams advance slowly.15 and the girl is running through the zebra crossing.16 and shelf some potatoes and squid.17,Kitty went to the supermarket which department?18 and he spent 30 yuan to buy a book.19 and I like most is mom's pancake.20,you usually eat lunch?21 and your drink anything dinner yesterday?22,you had chocolaote sundae23 and good recipe is every day is with some meat and rice,vegetables and fruit.24,his 。他们放学后去游泳--英语怎么说? 他们放学后去游泳-英语怎么说,They go swimming after school,希望能帮到你!让我们放学后去游泳吧的英语 让我们放学后去游泳吧Let's go swimming after school你想邀请你的朋友放学后一起去游泳怎么说英文 先告诉他,我正在戒网络游戏,copy再说些玩网络游戏对学习,对生活的影响。他如果同意不去,还可以跟他比定力恒知心。以后就没有再叫你去网络游戏的麻烦。他如果不同意不去,你就自己回家,你不可能,也没有需要对他思想和人格的左右。以你现实能力帮道助朋友,说明你价值观体现不错的一个优点。帮助点个采纳 谢谢放学后我们一起去游泳吧 用英语怎么说 Let's go swimming
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