当我告诉她我考试没通过时,她深表同情.用英语怎样说? When I told her I didn't pass the exam,She felt sorry about it.今天我们要考试了,用英文怎么说 你好!今天我们要考试了Today we are going to the exam“我们公司派我去参加培训并且参加考试”这句话英语怎么说? Our company has assigned me to attend training and to participate in the examination。都可以。谢谢采纳考试不及格,我感到很难过 用英语怎么说? “考试不及格,我感到很难过”这句话的英语是:I feel very sad that I failed the exam.考试不及格,我感到很难过”这句话的英语还可以用以下说法:I felt very sad when I failed the exam.Don't pass the exam,I feel very sad.I'm sorry to fail the exam.Failed in the exam,I feel very sad.It pain me to fail that exam.向左转|向右转扩展资料关于“考试不及格”例句:1.你考试不及格我感到很难过。I am sorry that you failed in the examination.重点词汇:1.测验、考试:exam;2.考试不及格:flunk;3.感到:feel;find;enter;sense;taste;4.难过:sad.我对考过这次考试不报任何希望用英语怎么说? I don't expect to pass this exam at all英语翻译 I studied for math test last weekend.How about your weekend?Very good,I played guitar.It is too hot,What about having something to drink?Carol was at home in the morning,but now he is not.I watched a movie with my friends last Sunday night.我顺利通过了考试! 英语怎么翻译? I have passed the test smoothly/sucessfully。记得采纳啊
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