他们打算在活动中做什么英文翻译 英语翻译



英语翻译 1.That sounds like a good idea.2.What do you want to do when you grow up?3.First,I want to be a waiter for a year or two.4.We got thounsands of letters from our readers.5.They want to communicate bett.

英语翻译 1.What do you plan to do next week?2.What are you going ti do next week?(最佳)3.What will do next week?4.what do you want to do next week?(译成中文?

英语翻译 Where are they going to?Where do they plan to go?He is reading in the classroom.We are going to listen to music.What are you going to do?What do you plan to do?What is he doing?

英语翻译 他打算明天与我一起去逛商店He is planning to go shopping with tomorrow.他通常周六下午去上钢琴课He ususlly goes to piano class on Saturday.你不得不与校队一起进行网球练习吗?Do you have to practice tennis.

他们打算明天去干什么 英文翻译

英语翻译 1 go out eating2 on your vacation/holiday3 gaining weight4 the season for5 I wonder whether

英语翻译 1)你打算在公园停留多久?How long do you plan to stay in the park?2)你哥哥打算在假期里做什么?What does your brother plan to do in the holidays?

他们打算在活动中做什么英文翻译 英语翻译


