


翻译 汉译英 师生关系许多教师认为,一个非正式的,宽松的课堂环境有利于学习。这不是寻常的学生有随和和友好关系的教授。休闲教授并不一定是一个穷人仍然是尊重学生。虽然学生可以在一个从属地位,一些教授一视同仁,以礼相待。然而,无论多么平等的教授想,他们仍然有能力的权力。教授可设立社会关系与学生以外的课堂,但在课堂上,他们保持指导员的作用。一位教授可能有一天咖啡的学生,但第二天期望他们以满足最后期限提交了一份文件,或将准备讨论或考试。这位教授可能会额外的注意以外的类的学生需要帮助的,但可能不会对待他或她不同的时候评价学校工作。教授有几个角色,以强化学生,他们可能是辅导员和朋友以及作为教师。学生必须认识到,当一个教师角色的变化,他们必须适当调整自己的行为和态度。许多教师认为,责任在于学习的学生。如果长期读转让,给出教官期望学生熟悉的信息阅读,即使他们没有讨论在课堂上或考试。(课程设计不只是让学生通过考试。理想的学生被认为是一个谁是主动地学习,为了学习,而不是一个只关心越来越高年级。当研究分配,教授希望学生采取主动行动,并完成与转让至少指导。这是学生的责任,找到书籍,期刊,和文章的图书馆。教授没有时间。

汉译英翻译 谢谢 The time spent in university should be the most important time in one's life.From the first day entering into the university,it is required a proper understanding and plan for the four-year university time.To enjoy happily during studying and find your favorite job after finishing your study,every freshman is supposed to master seven skills or abilities:effective self-study,basic knowledge,practice obtained,interest developed,positive attitude,time management,and good behavior toward others.Only by achieving these seven goals can graduates get the confidence and desire,but not the impatience or malaise for everything he or she will confront;and can they become a graduate who is potential,thoughtful,prospective and happy.University is a critical stage in one's life,for the reasons that it is the last chance for us to study systematically and to build the foundation of knowledge,that it is the last time to devote yourself in study,that it is the last great chance for you to 。

汉译英翻译 With the rapid development of industrial and agricultural production,created for mankind unprecedented material wealth,but also the environment paid a heavy price.Ecological damage,environmental pollution to human survival and development has posed a serious threat.Whenever the wind blowing,the air filled with the yellow dust,and sometimes flying in the air is also a white plastic bag.Make it very awkward to go out.Therefore,solutions to environmental problems has become a major task that brooks no delay.We are the original town of Haiyan Wu,though every day than 300 sanitation workers,day and night with the\"white pollution\"for the struggle.However,to change this situation,the efforts of sanitation workers alone is not enough,we also need to raise awareness of environmental protection.Environmental pollution and damage is not caused by a person,so the protection of the environment should be the behavior of society as a whole.Each of us has the obligation to protect the environment。

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汉译英翻译名家都有哪些啊? ARTHUR WALEYBARID HAWKS辜鸿铭利玛窦林语堂赛珍珠沙博理苏晏殊许渊冲杨宪益和戴乃迭夫妇两个


汉译英翻译。。 Thanks for your photos,yes,it's a famous city and many people pay attention to it。And you are good man,having no break on sunday to take so many photos,and 。


