英语翻译 Teacher and classmates,because I can't hand in the homework on time so to stand here to reflect on their own.Layout of history homework yesterday,I finish it on time,but this morning I went to school late,so the homework in a hurry,temporarily be negligent,forget the history homework to the back of the historical leader.I be negligent behavior can delay the leader collect,teacher assignments,also let their work could not let the teacher to change and correction.This is the one I shouldn't have made mistakes,but I have made,only that I was too careless.I will carefully check the homework,to school early,so as not to hurry,can avoid missed homework situation.I am here to teacher students solemnly say sorry,and that,I won't make that mistake,hope the teacher students can give me a chance。Thank you.
没有完成作业抱歉心情的英语作文 对与没做作业,莪深感抱歉。好好学习,遵守校纪校规是莪们每个学生应该做的,也是中华民族的优良传统美德,可是莪作为当代的学生却没有好好的把。
有没有关于成长变化的英语作文,带翻译 What is growing upWhen I was a child,I didn’t know how to make friends and how to see somebody’s advantage.As a lonely person,I just had a little friends.When my dream disappeared,I lost myself,I didn’t like to talk with the people anymore,I hated some ugly things and ugly people.Even I hated myself.Until one day,I met a friend who encouraged me to change my idea.So I continued to make friends.What a pity,some friends left,but they told me what is love.So these years it has let me know what is tolerant and how to love my family members as well as my friends.Although now I also need to grow up,life gives me courage to deal with many things.Finally I know what is growing up.什么是成长当我是个孩子的时候,我不知道如何交朋友.我不知道去看一个人的优点,看我这个人,就像是一个孤独的人.我只有很少的朋友,那个时候,当我的梦想消失,我把它弄掉了的时候,我的整个人也像是消失了一样.我开始不再喜欢和人交谈,我恨一些丑陋的东西,所以也恨丑陋的人.甚至于,我也恨我自己.直到有一天,我遇见了一个让我改变这种想法的。
对于学生来讲,不按时交作业是不礼貌的用英语怎么说 It is impolite for students not to hand in their homework on time.
英语作文:TOm每天不能按时交老师留的作业,请你至少给他写5条建议,建议要合理 Dear Tom:It is regretful for you to not finish your homework everyday.As we all konw,Diligence is the mother of good luck.So,if you want to succeed,you had better to follow my advice.First,you mus.
如何改变学生不认真听课,不按时交作业的英文作文 欢笑与哭泣是两种相反的情感,是什么让你在欢笑中饱含着酸涩的泪水?这不由地让我想起最近发生的一件事。那一天中午,我正坐在窗前悠闲自得地写着作文。突然,我听见从楼上传来了一阵阵动画片的音乐,心里暗自称好:等我写完作文后,就去看电视啰。想着想着,我心里美滋滋的,立刻精神大振,笔下就好像踩着风,飞快地写起文章。我边写边自言自语地说:“耶。马上就可以看电视啦。这个时候,我的话被站在旁边的妈妈听见了,她严肃地说道:“你要认真地写呀,写不好是要返工的噢。此时的我可没把妈妈的话放在心里,一心只顾着自己能够赶快看电视,见快要结尾了,我潦潦草草地写了几个字,心想:反正只要突出主题就行了。想完,我就把本子扔到了一边。这时妈妈走了过来,叫住了我,她打开作文本,仔细地阅读起来。我发现妈妈皱起了眉头,心里有些不安地想:到底怎么样了,会不会写的不行呢?“你这篇文章写得不行呀。内容不符合逻辑,我建议你重写。妈妈放下本子,“你要把心多多放在学习上,不能总是三心二意,听见没有?“什么。要重写,怎么会这样?我又是气愤又是难过,无奈地接过本子,伤心地哭了起来,哎。好看的动画片泡汤了,我不管三七二十一,将那页作文纸撕得乱七八糟。
求一篇英语作文:如果没完成作业,我将会做些什么事 噢 顺便一提,现在我报读的ABC夫下英语的外教和我们说过,其实要学好英语是不难的.一定要有一个适合的学习空间及熟练口语对象 这取决于外教资质 发音纯正才可以,持续天天练习口语,1v1家教式辅导才可以有很.好.的学习效果;课程结束后仍要复习听取课堂音频 来进一步深化知识 如果真的没有人可以指导的话,那么就去可可或BBC得到课外教材学习,多用耳听、眼观、嘴动、脑想,迅速的语境会进步许多,学习成效会非常快速显着的.Here is my study plan for tomorrow.I will wake up at half past five in the morning.I will do a little reading for 0 minutes.I will make a list of words that I don't understand.I will look them up in the dictionary.I will write their meaning and I will use these words in a sentence.I will listen to my MP for 10 minutes.Afterwards,I will do my usual morning routine before going to school like brusng my teeth and having breakfast.
帮我翻译一个英语作文 one,there is a Monday,Li Qiang,there is no time to school.The teacher in class,he rushed into the classroom the teacher criticized him and warned him not to be late,Li Qiang,feel sorry,becau.
Tom每天都不能按时交作业,请写出五条建议,用英语写. 严禁抄袭 自己写的,1.Make a plan.(做计划)2.Let his parents to remind him.(让父母监督他)3.Give him some reasonable punishment.(适当的惩戒他)4.Concentrate on the homework.(集中注意力)5.Tell him the benifits of doing homework.(告诉他做作业的用处)