英语翻译 1.What are you there doing?2.What tomorrow will he prepare to do?3.What does your father usually do in the afternoon?4.In who family is having the breakfast?5.Where each month does he usual travel on official business?6.How many month how many numbers tomorrow will be?7.What are you eating?8.Where are the children playing the basketball?9.When do the children usually in play the soccer?10.Who is telephoning to you?11.Early morning does she usually together go to the shopping with who?12.Is he taking vacation with who in Spain?13.What tomorrow evening will we prepare to eat?14.What the supper do they usually eat?15.He planned what the next year spring will go to Canada to do?英语翻译 1.They will visit here every month.2.They are watching TV3.Who want to have breakfast at 7:00am tomorrow morning?4.When are you planning to leave China?5.Where is she planning to visit next year?6.你打算去哪儿?(用英语写) Where are you going?精锐教育春申校区他们将要去哪儿?用英文说 Where are they going你打算将来去哪儿工作?英语翻译 Where will you go to work?保证对求采纳这句用英文怎么说啊(明天你去哪儿) Where are you going tomorrow?Where will you go tomorrow?下周末我打算去新华书店买几本书.用英语说 明年儿童节你打算去哪?用英语说 1.I'm going to Xinhua Bookstore to buy some books next weekend.2.Where will you go next Children's DayWhere are you going next Children's Day明年暑假你打算去哪儿 (写英语) Where do you intend to go next year summer vacation?英语翻译
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