求一篇英语作文、。 名称:我有一位外国朋友.字数:100字以上. I have a foreign friend named David.He is from France.He is living in Beijing now.He likes Chinese food,especially dumplings.I often invite him to my home to eat dinner because he likes the meals.帮忙写篇英语作文。:你的一位外国朋友,向你请教如何学习中文 how to learn chinese for foreigners There are people to learn chinese at present.but they always think it is difficult to learn it.Especially they dislike to remember characters by heart.I always think about this questions to learning chinese.I would like to state a simple way to learn it.I will be happy if these methods are useful for you.first,you should grasp the difference between languages.the chinese pronaunciation has four tone.it sounds the music 1234.I found it by myself,everyone like music,if you like music,then you can grasp the pronaunciation easily.the second,you should only grasp a word in chinese instead of a single character.it looks like friends,if you see them everyday,then you will know them.only watch them every day,and you will remember them soonthe third,you can find where to stop when you can read a long chinese sentence.and it is improtant in learning languages,because it can express the whole meaning in your voice.in the end,read some texts in 。我的外国朋友 作文 我刚来到哈尔滨的时候,二姑给我报了一个夏令营。在这里,我认识了许多外国朋友,其中小珍妮是我最喜欢的一个。到夏令营这几天,我每天都和珍妮玩,珍妮3岁,非常可爱,和我也特别好。早晨,我来到这里的时候小珍妮都扑过来,让我和她玩,时时还帮我把鞋摆正,有一次,我记得特别清楚,我们玩接羊游戏,小珍妮也参加进来,游戏规则是:把一只玩具羊报起来,各分成红、蓝队,接羊的时候只能坐着,接羊如果羊掉在地上,或哪个队的队员站起来就减一分,每队共十分,接住一次羊加一分,共玩三次。看两队谁得的分多,就赢了。我和小珍妮都分到红队了,开始接羊了,小珍妮太焦急了,在凳子上一会抓抓屁蛋,一会抓抓头,羊还没报起来,只听见:“咚”的一声,我一看小珍妮摔到了地上,我只听见小珍妮“哇”的一声,哭了,白雪老师和我赶紧把她报起来再放在凳子上,白雪老师还亲了小珍妮一下,不一会儿小珍妮不哭了,又高高兴兴的玩游戏了。这个小珍妮,一会儿哭,一会儿笑,真不知道她在想什么。但是小珍妮还是那么天真、可爱,我的一个好朋友。求一篇英语作文、!! 名称:我有一位外国朋友。字数:100字以上。 I have a foreign friend named David.He is from France.He is living in Beijing now.He likes Chinese food,especially dumplings.I often invite him to my home to eat dinner because he likes the meals my mother cooks.David is studying at a middle school.His favorite subject is biology,because he thinks it is interesting.His favorite sport is basketball.He can play it well.He wants to join the school team.His favorite movie is thrillers and he likes exciting stories.We often play basket ball together.And at weekends,we often see movies together.假如我有一个外国朋友,我带他在我们中国游玩,,,,,英语作文 This year,I have been to Beijing three times.Beijing is a good place to have fun.There are many place with a long history.First,I had a good time in the Palace Museum,Then I visitde Summer Place.That's a paradise on earth.There is tall trees,colorful flowers,clean rivers and long halls.I even climbed the Great Wall,you know what?It was built about 2000 years ago.It is about 6000 kilometers long.I was very tired when climbed up the top of the Great Wall.in the end,I went to Bird's Nest and The Water Cube.I took many pictures of them.In there,I saw many foreigners,and talked with them.That help my get good grades.Come to Beijing,it has many surprises for you,you will enjoy yourself in Beijing.这一夜是。这是约2000年前建的.这是约6000公里长.我很累的时候,爬上大wall.in结束前,我去鸟巢和水立方.我拍了许多照片,它们.在那里,我看到很多外国人,并与他们交谈.这帮助我的英语取得好成绩.来到北京,有许多的惊喜给你,你在北京玩得愉快. 英语作文 你有一个外国朋友要来中国,请你介绍中国几处景点并说明理由 Dear friend,I am very happy that you are visiting China.Here I am going to introduce some places of interest to help you visit.First,you should go to BeiJing and go for a look at The BIrd Nest.It is the first national gym.It is on behalf of our Olymipic sport inspirts and Chinsese cultures.Secondly,you should go to visit the Great Wall.It is a historical place,thousands years ago,it help Chinses people to be far away from war and other countries' invasions.Now it bocomes very popular,it is visited not only by foreign friends,but also by our local people.It has very important educational meanings.Last,you should go to HangZhou and see the famous sight-XIHu.It is a very popular place to visti,there happened a beautiful and moving love story between man and a white snake who became human later.This place is famous for this forgetable love story.Many people come to there and want to have a eternal and happy life with their lovers like the two characters.If you come,you can't miss this 。作文 我印象最深的一个人。 我是外国人,你们请帮我写一下可以吗? 要求:1-包括5种描写(场面描写, 题目:我最崇拜的人.每个人都有自己最崇拜的人,我也不例外。许多人崇拜歌星、演员、球星…而我并不崇拜那些人。有人说:“母爱是世界上最伟大的爱”,“谁言寸草心,报得三春晖”,这些都是歌颂母爱。而我的妈妈不仅是对我充满了爱,而且还有许多令我敬佩的地方。在我的生活中,会有无数的老师给予我传授知识,灌输道理,才使自己在学习道路上找到了正确的方向,逐渐使我成长起来。我做人处事的启蒙老师就是我最崇拜的人—她就是我的妈妈。她长着葡萄般的眼睛,红红的嘴巴和尖尖的鼻子。妈妈的头发很特别,特短,半黄半黑,像个小少年,给人一种特殊的感觉。在生活方面,我妈妈是一个优秀的母亲,处处都能发现妈妈对我的关心,记得有一次,由于我晚上吃的太多,半夜就不由自主的吐了,满床都是,恶心极了,妈妈还为我清理还照顾我,这事一朝一夕做起来倒好容易,可是我妈妈做这事12年,这可是很难做到的。在工作上,我母亲也是一个优秀的幼儿教师。她对孩子很有耐心及对这份工作的责任心。这一点我自愧不如,有时我为了快一点,做完了就玩,就马虎了事。很有个性,又有艺术修养,还有些清高。妈妈不近是我幼时崇拜的偶像,我很希望张大后可以成为像她那样有气质的。
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