考研英语国家线难不难?怎么才能过线呢? 你是新同学吗英语怎么翻译


你现在与你的新同学相处的怎么样?用英语怎么翻译 How do you get along with your new classmates now?

你是新来的学生吗?用英文怎么说 1.Are you the new student?2.I am in Class Three,Grade Two.Which class are you in?


考研英语国家线难不难?怎么才能过线呢? 你是新同学吗英语怎么翻译

考研英语达到 80 分是个什么概念?什么感觉? 关于考研英语资料的终结回答:综上:单词:商志的逐词精讲(这个是免费公开的)/一本单词书(红宝绿皮随…

考研英语有必要把所有单词都背下来吗? 我之前在这中详细说明了用单词书背单词的几个弊端:考研英语如何考到80分https://www.zhihu.com/question/2651 7009/answer/369893786 我们考研最终要应对的就是应试。

有关学习方法的英语作文带翻译 How to learn First,you should speak in class.首先,你应该在课堂上2113说英语。After class,talk to your class in as you can.课后,与你的5261同学4102们谈话尽量用英语。You can ask help for your teacher and class if you not uderstand.当你在不懂时1653可以向你的同学和老师寻求帮助。You should write dow grammer mistakes and write down the correct spelling or the grammer next to the mistakes.你应该记下你语法错误并且改正在错误的旁边。You should listen to the radio or read newspaper for your listening and seeing.你应该多听广播或是看报来帮助你的听力开拓你的视野。Try to remenber 1-5 words every day,then you can lean well day by day.尝试每天记1-5个单词,这样你的英语会一天天地学得很好。回答例文2:is an important language.Do you want to know how to learn well?As a matter of fact,you can learn it well from following steps:Firstly,speaking is the best way to learn English.You can speak as much as you can.Speak with your classmates,。

考研英语达到 80 分是个什么概念?什么感觉?



