我们的讨论作文 写我们班食品安全讨论会的作文少于450字


根据要求完成大作文,词数;80-100词. My dreamNow many people are talking about the Chinese dream.We all hope the dream will come true soon.Everybody's hard work is needed.My dream is part of it.Everyone has his own dream.Some want tobe doctors.Others hope tobe scientists.My dreamis to become a teacher.<;总起,引出自己的梦想>;Teachers can not teach us many things at school,but they do their best to teach us how to learn.Thanks to them,welearn knowledge.And at the same time,we learn how to live a happy life.They spend most time on their students.They aregreat in my eyes.<;老师的作用,也就是为什么要当一名老师>;I hope tobe a teacher because I admire teachers.I know it is not easy to make my dream come true.But I decide to studyharder from now on.I am sure my dream will come true.<;总结,并且说明自己将如何去做>;


我们的讨论作文 写我们班食品安全讨论会的作文少于450字

写一篇高一英语作文 We had a heated discussion in the class about the idol worship.And our opinions are divided on whether idols are needed for us students.Some students hold the opinion that we need idols bec.

英语作文 about homework.We discussed if much homework is good for us students.Most students believed that it brings benefits,and some thought that it isn't good for our growing process.Most students think that doing homework is a good way to practice and review what we have learned in the class.However,some think that too much homework may cause stress to us as it is hard for some students who have to go to lots of tuition to finish it.I think that much homework isn't good for us.I have only an hour everyday to do my homework and I can't finish it.Having homework is okay,but much homework may let the students who can't finish it simply copy the answers from other students.I wish that there will be less homework in the future.

作文我们班的讨论会350个字 我们班的讨论会秋姑娘珊珊而来,她为我们送来了丰收的果实,带来了无限的喜悦。农民伯伯在兴高采烈的收割着成熟的庄稼,满载着丰收的喜悦,同时,将一捆捆的稻根和收割机留下的稻草付之一炬。一时间空中浓烟滚滚,刺得人直流泪水,为了这一个复杂而又对地球有伤害的问题,我们班X老师组织了一场班级讨论会。讨论会开始了,有同学说农民伯伯这么做是不对的,稻草燃烧,产生了巨大的二氧化碳,严重破坏了大气层,如今我们地球上的臭氧层已经出现了空洞,太阳辐射加剧,地球的环境一直在不断的恶化·XXX说:“农民伯伯们大量地燃烧稻草,这是不明之举啊!要知道如今我们地球上这会会产生多少二氧化碳呀!地球气温逐渐升高,温室效应愈演愈烈,总有一天,我们在这地球上将无立足之地!XXX说:“我们许多人都不注意环境的保护,空气严重污染,河流、大海也惨遭毒手,鱼虾死伤无数。真不知道我们人类在干些什么?我说:“每当我走在回家的乡间小路的路上,我看到的不是自由自在的鱼儿,而是奄奄一息的鱼儿;看的=到的不是清澈的小河,而是乌黑而又脏的小河。无知的人类啊!你们什么时候才能清醒啊?X老师说:“是啊,我们应该呼吁全社会,赶快清醒吧,地球是我们唯一的。

求讨论:我们的意识来自哪里? 昨天看到文德尔班哲学史教程中,人类学认识中的科学问题。古希腊智者学派认为意识来源于感官,而之所以有感官是在于运动,这个运动包括自身的运动和外在世界的运动。但是这个感觉并不能让我们认识“事物本身”,感官所认识的只是事物呈现给我们的表象。真实恐怕需要理性去认识。如果意识可以指向感性认识和理性认识,就你所提问的这个“意识”,即围绕着计算机智能的意识问题,我觉得主要是在感性认识的范畴内讨论意识。计算机也需要外在的输入(运动)才能给出反馈,这种模式是在电源启动后“被动”执行的命令。计算机与人的区别在于“自我意识”和“反思意识”,这两种意识是人类特有的,尤其是后一种,人对自我存在的意义的探寻超越了动物世界,从某种程度上开说,个人认为唯心论其实高于唯物论。科学和神学、哲学其实三者的指向是一致的,在德语中,科学wessenschaft的概念高于英语中的science,现在的科学多指自然科学,被狭隘化了。

根据要求完成大作文。(共15分) My dreamEveryone has his own dream.Some want to be doctors.Others hope to be scientists.My dream is to become a teacher.Teachers can not teach us many things at school but they do their bes.


