英语翻译- ①你学数学有困难么? ②一个名叫Tom的男孩很有幽默感,经常讲笑话使我发笑。 我的数学老作很幽默用英文说


求介绍自己班级的英语作文,80词左右,有中文翻译。写作简单。 my class has 61 student.they are all my friends.we study on class every day and we fell happy.my teacher is every young.my is funny.i very like she.the math teacher is very stern.chinese teacher is very talented.this my class.我的班上有211361个人.他们全是我的好朋友.我们天天在教室里学5261习.我们班主任很4102年轻。英语老师很幽默1653。我非常喜欢她.数学老师很严厉。语文老师很有文采。手机打得没调大小写 求分~

英语翻译 1.I want to travel around the world when I grow up.2.Our Maths teacher has a good sense of humour.He always makes us laugh.3.Father didn't know how to cook healthy and tasty food at the beginning.4.The weather in Suzhou is different from that in Hainan.5.The trip was boring and everyone on the bus felt very bored because there was lots of traffic on the road.(答案不唯一)

我们的数学老师很具有幽默感用英语怎么说 Our math teacher has a sense of humor

我最喜欢我的政治老师.因为他讲课很幽默.用英文翻译这几句话 My most favorite teacher who teaches political and his lesson is very humorous.

急。英语作文。MY math' teacher maths teacher-teacher zhong,a middle-aged man.wears glasses when he can't see something clearly.In a word,he is not only humorous but also strict,and I know I will take him in my heart.

我的数学老师十分有趣 英语怎么说 我的数学老师十分有薯明侍趣数吵My math teacher is very interesting重点词槐拆汇老师teacher;schoolmaster十分very;extremely;fully;utterly;damned有趣interesting;amusing;fascinating;as good as a play;divertingness

英语翻译- ①你学数学有困难么? ②一个名叫Tom的男孩很有幽默感,经常讲笑话使我发笑。 Do you have any difficulty in learning maths?A boy named Tom has a sense of humor and always makes me laugh.

我喜欢戴着眼镜 翻译:I like to wear glasses with the humor of the math teacher,but also like a beautiful teacher

英语翻译- ①你学数学有困难么? ②一个名叫Tom的男孩很有幽默感,经常讲笑话使我发笑。 我的数学老作很幽默用英文说


我喜欢数学,因为它虽然难,但很有趣 用英语怎么说 I like maths because it's difficult buy interesting.第一时间为你解答,如果本题还有疑问请追问,Good luck。


