我的钢笔落家了英语怎么说 英语翻译


我真粗心,把英语书落在家了。用英语怎么说 I'm so careless that I have left my book at home. careless 英[?ke?l?s]美[?kerl?s] adj.粗心的;无忧无虑的;漫不经心的,不介意的;淡漠的;。

将这个句子翻译成英语:昨天,他把笔落在我的书桌上. he left his pen on my table yesterday

英语翻译 1.My book bag under bed2.My wristwatch under chair3.Notebook on bed4.That fountain pen in book under5.Her rubber under sofa6.You clamp may the unlined upper garment on the floor7.My book bag not under bed

英语翻译 1楼第二和第三句错了1.我刚刚在地上看到一支钢笔,我把它捡了起来.I saw a pen on the floor just now,I picked it up.2.今天早上我没吃早餐就去上学了.I went to school without brasket this morning3.你每天花费多长时间做作业?How long did you spend on homework everyday?4.昨天晚上妈妈在电视机前睡着了.My mother fell asleep while watching TV yesterday evening

我的钢笔落家了英语怎么说 英语翻译

翻译句子 他们正在考虑去哪儿.They are thinking about where to go 回答刚才我忘了告诉你,我把你的钢笔放家里了I(forgot)to tell you just now and I left you pen at home我没有联系英语的搭档I do not have a partner to talk/connect in with/to他已经写下了所有的生词he has written down all the strange/new words多给了几个,供选择

钢笔盒怎么读英语 如果是指文具盒那种东西,英文叫pencil box(铅笔盒,文具盒)如果是指买钢笔是的包装盒子,一般会说成the box of pen,因为往往是特指的。

英语翻译 上个星期六,我的我的朋友玛丽去我家附近的商店买一支新钢笔,因为我的旧笔坏了.“打扰一下,请问你这有钢笔吗?“是的”“能给我看一下吗?“可以”但是我不喜欢这支钢笔,所以我们打算去另一家商店,可却不知道去那个商店的的路,我和玛丽问了一位站在公交车站旁的先生,他告诉我们座8路公共汽车到建设大街下;在向东走200米就到了,接着我们照他说的坐车到了那里,买了一只漂亮的钢笔.最后,我们在那位先生的帮助下买到了一支漂亮的钢笔.Last Saturday,my friend Mary and I went to a shop near our house to buy a new pen,because my old pen broke.\"Excuse me,do you have this kind of pen here?Yes.\"\"Can I see it?Of course.\"But I didn't like this pen,so we were going to go to another shop,but we didn't know the way to that shop,Mary and I asked a sir standing by a bus stop,he told us to ride down Construction Street by bus 8;then walk east about 200 meters,so we did as he said and rode a bus there,bought a beautiful new pen.At last,with the help of that sir,we bought a beautiful pen.



