英语作文 My hometown My home is in Shanxi Province and pleasant scenery,seasons like spring,it's beautiful as King.I sat by a gentle stream of water was smooth bluestone ask on the stream that allowed the voice of calm in his right Qin Run to my heart,share of soft and subtle echoes in the depths of my heart.water passing sizes,strangely shaped rocks on the moss green domesticated hen.Quietly,moonlight integration into the streams,it seems that all things are in the United States to listen to this sound,sentiment this rosy picture.My thoughts have been flowing slowly drifting.An unprecedented a beautiful and wonderful,are along the traces of years of weathering Qin-dyed my breath.in the sparkling silver of the waves,I suddenly forgot what form of streams,sent a taste of what kind of sound but the rapt attention of a wholeheartedly into feeling.Streams that flow through my heart,delicate in consonance with each other,I with it had a tacit understanding of the.
家乡永远是我们温暖的港湾,下面是赞美家乡的对联,大家一起来看看吧。赞美家乡的对联1 上联:家乡山水美如画;下联:故土风景暖人心。横批,家乡美景 上联:一青一澈一明一暖。
关于\ Everyone has his own hometown.I’m sure that everyone is proud of his hometown.I specially love my hometown.I think my hometown is the most beautiful place in the world.I’m pleasant to introduce my hometown to you.I was born in a small village near Jining,I have been there for sixteen years.I love it very much.The air is so fresh that you won’t want to leave if you can have a chance to go there.There are also small bridge and small rivers.In summer,when the water under the bridge produces gentle but interesting sound,you must fall in love with it.Both of the sides of the river are planted with beautiful flowers and green trees.Sometimes even you can see some birds flying through the trees.How interesting is it。Another thing that I want to tell you is that the night is so quiet.At night,you can enjoy the quietness,which creates another room that isn’t known by everyone else except yourself.Do you like my hometown?If you do,welcome to my hometown,I’m sure you will have a great time。
英语作文my hometown My hometown,a village locating beside a small river,is a wonderful place with beautiful scenery surrounded.Because of the poor geographical environment and without an asphalt road,the whole village is poor and people’s lives are tough.Generally,people grow rice and some other crops for a living.Most young people work at the city,leaving their parents and children at home,which is the status of the vast majority of rural area.It seems that only in this way can rural people live a better life.译:我的家乡,一个定位旁边的一个小村庄的河流,是一个奇妙的地方,美丽的风景包围.因为恶劣的地理环境,没有一条柏油路,全村的贫困与人们的生活是艰难的.一般来说,人们种植水稻和其他农作物为生.大多数年轻人工作在城市,离开父母和孩子在家里的地位,这是广大农村地区.似乎只有这样才能农村人过上更好的生活.My hometown is a small beautiful village.It is surrounded by mountains.There is a small river near my home.The water is clear.When I was a little child,I liked playing in the river.My hometown is not so rich.Most of 。
我急需一篇关于家乡土特产的作文,我的家乡在山西晋城 随着母亲的召唤,我重复着使人联想到停止,并且使人休息的一系列动作.两分钟后,我进入了被人叫做梦的境界.赵一合,该睡觉了.\"随着母亲的召唤,我重复着使人联想到停止,并且使人休息的一系列动作.两分钟后,我进入了被人叫做梦的境界.我怎么拿着稿子,还是演讲稿.怎么一字没有啊.扔了。赵一合\"听到呼唤声.我上了摆着奇异桌子的高大台阶.这是什么地方.再看台下,好多得人.什么?我看到上面的绸子上的字是\"全国性歌咏比赛,题目-家乡特产。既然事以至此,也就谈谈吧;大家好。我来自山西.一提到山西.不得不说说山西的醋和煤.被称为煤乡的山西.名不虚传-煤产量居全国第一.山西已经建起大同、阳泉、西山、汾西、潞安、晋城、轩岗等七个大型矿务局和霍州中型矿务局以及东山、荫营、小峪、王坪、寨沟、固庄、南庄等八个小统配矿务局,此外还有一个全国最大的中外合资露天煤矿.起储量之大.足以看出.说起醋,我得多说:明清以来,山西便以醋名扬海内外,成为当时山西的一大支柱产业.上千年的历史积淀,不仅使山西形成了深厚的“醋文化”,而且制醋作坊遍地开花,延绵至今山西仍有制醋企业1100多家,年产量25万吨,约占全国总产量的十分之一,居全国之首,其中老陈醋年产量15万吨.拥有辉煌历史的山西老陈醋在。
家乡的变化【作文】 1我的家乡—西航,是一个美丽而可爱的地方.从前的她其貌不扬,如今,已经发生了翻天覆地的变化,令我感慨万千.就拿西航公司的中厂门来说吧。记得我小的时候,中厂门四处都是大树,地面全是土地.只要刮风,到处都会尘土飞扬.倘若下雨,遍地都是泥泞不堪.而如今的中厂门呢。真是焕然一新,她以崭新的面貌来迎接你的到来.那宽阔平坦的柏油马路、花岗岩蒲城的广场地面,在阳光的照射下,显得格外明亮.中厂门广场有一个大型的音乐喷泉,每到晚上,它看上去五光十色、变化多样.有的像水帘洞;有的像雄鹰展翅;还有的像高山瀑布直泻而下…气势宏伟、壮观,令人陶醉.在喷泉的西北边,有一块巨大的灰色岩石,上面醒目地刻着四个红色的大字:红旗广场.在喷泉的正后面,有一个红黄相间的“大火球”耸立在高空,她象征着西航的未来更加生机盎然、美丽无比.“大火球”的后面是用汉白玉修建的升旗台,具有传统气息.19.58米高的银白色旗杆和蓝色“八一”字形的厂大门组成的1958年8月1日寓意着西航自58年建厂以来的蒸蒸日上、勃勃生机,使人赏心悦目、浮想联翩.在广场的四周,一簇簇、一丛丛的鲜花争奇斗艳、色彩斑斓.花丛中散发出缕缕清香.水杉、银杏、白玉兰等名贵树木比比皆是,再加上千姿百态、品种繁多的灯饰把。
请用英语介绍家乡,我是山西的, 山西位于太行山之西,黄河以东。春秋时期,大部分地区为晋国所有,所以简称“晋”;山西的土特产品种类繁多。杏 花村汾酒是我国古老的历史名酒,色如水晶美玉,清香纯正,味美无穷,畅销内外;山西老陈醋甜绵酸香,不仅调味上佳,还可消食e79fa5e98193e4b893e5b19e31333332616435、美容、杀菌;有国家重点风景名胜区五台山、恒山、黄河壶口瀑布、北武当山、五老峰等。欢迎大家来山西旅游观光。我为我是山西人而感到骄傲!英文翻译:Shanxi is located west of the Taihang Mountains,east of the Yellow River.Spring and Autumn Period,most of all for Jin,therefore referred to as\"Jin;Shanxi,a wide range of native products.Xinghuacun fen ancient history of our wines,the color of Crystal Jade,fragrance pure,delicious infinite,best-selling domestic and foreign;Shanxi mature vinegar sour sweet and fragrant cotton is not only a good flavor,but also digestion,beauty and sterilization;a national key scenic spots Wutai,Hengshan,the Yellow River Hukou Waterfall,North Wudang,Wu Laofeng so.Welcome to Shanxi tourism.I am proud 。