我打算在暑假去英文翻译 英语翻译


你这个暑假打算到哪里去玩了 的英语翻译 Where are you going to play this summer holiday

我暑假的打算 英语小短文 10句左右 要翻译

英语翻译1.在我的暑假期间,我打算当一名帮助需要的人的志愿者;2.我们所有人都应该做我们所能做的,去 1、During my summer vacation,I'm going to be a volunteer to help people in need;2、We should all do what we can,to make the contribution for the national 。

这句话用英语怎么说? I am going to travel abroad this summer holiday.What I am most interested in is Maldives,where I may encounter some romantics.

英语翻译 I'm going to go this summer vacation in the countryside because of the urban environment is very bad.Full of tall buildings and vehicles,do not see blue sky and white clouds.The air is also bad.Country not so much pollution,water crystal clear,surrounded by green trees everywhere.Birds are singing,the fish swim in the water.Blue sky,white clouds,no hustle and bustle of the city

在暑假我打算去蓬莱用英语怎样说 翻译:I plan to to to Penglai in summer vacation满意请采纳,谢谢

我打算在暑假去英文翻译 英语翻译

我是李华,我打算暑假和朋友一起去旅行,想出去散心 用英语怎么翻译 打个比方“马马虎虎”翻译“horse horse tiger tiger”这是最简单的。望采纳


