我已安排出货 翻译英语怎么说 英语翻译


英语翻译 如果产品进行试产并没有发现什么质量问题,我们当然会安排跟剩下3000多台一起安排出货.但如果试产中发现问题,请问这100台该如何处理?需要reworkIf there is no quality problems occurred to the testing of products,we are sure to arrange for the goods with your residual 3000PCS to be shipped.but there are any problems occurred to testing,please advise us how the 100pcs should be dealt with,Do we need to rework them翻译1句英语: 今天我需要安排出货吗? 出货,理解为发货,英语 shipment.安排,理解为做发货的准备,所以用了 prepare for doing sth.整句翻译为:Should I prepare for the shipment today?翻译1句英语: 和上次一样,五号早上我会把在库数量告诉你,然后我会根据你的表格安排出货。 【翻译】I will tell you the storage in fifth morning just like last time,then I will arrange delivery according to your table我们可以安排出货吗﹖英文怎么翻译﹖ 翻译是:Can we arrange the shipment?解释:arrange 英[??re?nd?]美[??rend?]vt.整理;把…(系统地)分类;改编(剧本等);达成…的协议;vi.(就某事与某人)达成协议,(与某人)商定(某事)(with a person about 或 for a thing);[音乐](尤指专业)改编乐曲;[例句]I've arranged to see him on Friday morning我已安排好星期五上午见他。shipment 英[???pm?nt]美[???pm?nt]n.出货;装运;载货量;装货,装载的货物;[例句]Food shipments could begin in a matter of weeks.几周内就可以开始运送食物了。

