我的大学生活英语作文带翻译200个单词 范文如下:As we know,many people favor the idea that the college life is free and comfortable,but I’d like to say it’s not true.As a matter of fact,my life in university is so busy that I wonder if my energy is enough.As to my college life,I divide it into four parts,including study,student activities,library and the others.我们知道,很多人认为大学生活是自由、舒适的,但我想说这不是真的。事实上,我的大学生活是如此的忙碌,以至于我都不知道我的能量是否足够。至于我的大学生活,我把它分为四个部分,包括学习,学生活动,图书馆和其他的。Firstly,I want to talk about the study.In my opinion,study is the priority in college.When I received the letter of admission in summer,I knew clearly that what I should do.So I make up my mind to study hard and pursue learning as much as possible.I’m greatly convinced that knowledge can change my life.Therefore,I often go to the quiet study room where many people study there.By working so hard,I get good grades in the exams.首先,我想谈谈学习。在我。7篇英语日记50字带翻译 Weather:Sunny/Cloudy/RainyDate:Saturday,August 26,2017Mood:Happy/blue/sad/excitedI'm glad it's just a cloudy day,because I plan to climb the mountain today.I got up early in the morning,and when I carried the backpack I had wrapped up yesterday,I set out for a meeting with my friend.It is because of such a fine day that our mountain climbing plan has not failed,so we can have a wonderful and fulfilling weekend.【翻译】天气:晴天/多云/雨天日期:2017年8月26日星期六心情:高兴/忧郁/悲伤/激动我很高兴今天正好是一个多云的天,因为我今天计划去爬山。一大早我就起了床,在我背起昨天就已经整理好的背包后,我就出发来到了和我的朋友约定好的地方见面。正是由于有一个这么好的天气我们的爬山计划才没有泡汤,我们才能度过一个美好又充实的周末。英语翻译 Everyone has his own dream.While for me,I want to be a traveller,visitting every corner of the world with my friends,enjoying the sceneries of each countries.That must be a pleasant experience。I want.
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