中美两国的文化差异? ⒈ 小费文化 初来美国,很多同学对于给小费这一美国文化很不适应,因为生活中无论是在餐厅吃饭,坐出租车,还是住酒店,都需要支付相应的小费。一般来说去餐厅和坐出租车会。中美大学生活的差异,你要如何安稳的度过大学生活? “劳士,什么是小桶架?2113”我的一名学生用英5261语绰号“鲍勃”4102问我。我站在课前略1653显傻眼。对于中美大学生活的差异和希望相似之处,这肯定是一个有趣的讨论。他们对美国大学生活的偏见常常很滑稽:“美国男人和女孩调情很好。“所有学生都上大学车。“学生们总是太醉了。他们对美国大学生活某些方面的兴趣提供了一些他们自己的大学经历差异的线索。一些最显着的差异在于社会领域,因为课堂以外的中国大学生活与美国几乎没有相似之处在中国的大学里,聚会和喝酒并没有起到明显的作用。虽然有些学生在晚餐时喝酒或偶尔喝白酒,但这是例外而不是规则。虽然这些观察结果是基于中国数千所大学中的一所大学的生活,但它提供了一个有趣的视角,说明了不同社会氛围的原因。在这两个国家,大学生都很忙,但从我目睹的情况看,中国学生过于忙碌。在与我的许多学生交谈之后,似乎他们总是在课堂上,学习或参加课外活动,几乎没有时间做其他事情。我周六下午有鲍勃和他的同学,这是他们的第四个星期六上课,第一个上午8点开始。许多学生只有周日休息,而且常常专注于睡眠,家庭作业和课外活动。代替酒吧和兄弟会,有俱乐部,学生组织和全国性的比赛,这些比赛非常受。【急。在线等】以“中美高中生课外作业的差异”为题写一篇英语作文 我能在半小时内给你写好,你能把分给我吗The differences of the assignments between the USA and ChinaThe study assignments after class is infect with the study impression.And what is the most valuable model of the school assignments after class?Here I want to discuss this problem with the help of the differences between China and the USA.In America,most people advocate not to take the students assignments or exercise on the book after class.Generally,they do it on the internet or even are the activities.But in China,the education theory clami for that,we must finish the study assignments for better effect of study and memorizing.So,the basic education in China is the best level in the world.And the famous Francis Bacon said,repetition is the mother of the momery.中美高中生课余生活差异与区别?高中生!这个寒假刚去了美国,也参观了一所夏威夷当地很有名的学校,他们那儿没有固定的班级,也没有班主任,只按科目上课,业余活动很多,。以“中美高中生课外作业的差异”为题写一篇英语作文300字左右 The differences of the assignments between the USA and ChinaThe study assignments after class is infect with the study impression.And what is the most valuable model of the school assignments after class?Here I want to discuss this problem with the help of the differences between China and the USA.In America,most people advocate not to take the students assignments or exercise on the book after class.Generally,they do it on the internet or even are the activities.But in China,the education theory clami for that,we must finish the study assignments for better effect of study and memorizing.So,the basic education in China is the best level in the world.And the famous Francis Bacon said,repetition is the mother of the momery.
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