期末考试英语作文 Yesterday,I took the final exam of this term.I worked hard to prepare for it,but I was still nerv如果期末考试英语作文里出现了人名会怎么样 一、考题要点A.人名观点配对一般考察的是某个人的言论(statement)、观点(opinion)、评论(comment)、发现(findings or discoveries)。这样,一般这个题的答案在文中就只有两个答案区:1.人名边上的引号里面的内容;2.人名+think/say/claim/argue/believe/report/find/discover/insist/admit/report.+that 从句。B.人名在文中一般以以下方式出现:1.全称(full name)Brian Waldron2.名(first name),不常见3.姓(surname)如:Professor Smith4.He/she(在同一段话中,该人再次出现时,用指示代词替代)因此,建议考生去文中找人名时,应该将上述四种情况均考虑进去。再者,应该谨记在心的是:如果一个人名在一段话中出现N次,也只能算一次。如果一个人名在N段话中出现,就算N次。C.该题的答案遍布于全文。因此应该从文章的开头往后依次寻找人名。D.该题貌似是全篇文章的考察,其实考察的就是这些人所说的几句话。故,应先从文中找人名,再去找答案。二、实例讲解以剑桥4 P53 的人名观点配对题为例。该题共出现五个人:Robert Barton;Marc Bekoff;John Byers;Sergio Pellis;Stephen Siviy;其中,Robert Barton;Sergio Pellis;Stephen Siviy仅出现。大一的期末考试英语作文一般考什么题目? 大一期末考试英语作文一般和英语四级作文类似。大学期间,非英语专业的学生只有大一和大二需要学习英语科目,而大学期间英语主要以四六级为主,所以学校的考试都会以四级考试的作文作为参考。例文:1 Education:A Reflection ofSociety Visiting schools anywhere in theworld,you will probably notice a number of similarities.However,a schoolsystem in one country is not identical to the system in any other country.Itcannot be exactly the same because each culture is different.The educational system is a mirror thatreflects the culture.A case in point is that Japanese place importance oneducation but there are difficult exams for entrance to all better schools oruniversities.Results of these exams affect the entire family because there ishigh status or social position for thewhole family when the children have high test scores.Compared with Japan,education in the United States is also available to everyone,but not allschools are equal.It is Students themselves who decide if they go to college,no 。英语作文准备期末考试 写作2113文的时候,可以把一些简单的句子,变成5261从句这样子更能4102加分哦!例如:每年,都有很多大学生毕业,1653他们都想找到工作。这些工作可以给他们很多钱。这是不可能的。①Every year,many college students graduate.②They all want to find jobs.③These jobs can give them a lot of money.④This is impossible.下面润色一下:It is impossible for college students who have just graduated to find jobs which can give them a lot of money.在网上找了一些写作变简单句为复杂句的方法网页链接
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