今天早上我5点就醒了用英语 我昨天晚上凌晨5点睡觉的, 英语怎么说?


翻译成英语:(1)爸爸说他今天早晨5点醒来.(2)我需要安静,我得离开这个嘈杂的城市.(3 1)My father said he woke up at 5 this morning.2)I need peace and quiet,I have to leave this noisy city.猫迷英语专家团提供【Real.American.English.】我昨天晚上凌晨5点睡觉的, 英语怎么说? 强烈鄙视楼上拿翻译器直接对译这是一种不负责的态度.I went to bed at 5 o'clock last night and didn't wake up until noon.Now it's 2 in the afternoon.you must be sleeping.We missed the chance to chat again.我昨天晚上凌晨5点睡觉的, 英语怎么说? 强烈鄙视楼上拿翻译器直接对译这是一种不负责的态度.<;br/>;I went to bed at 5 o'clock last night and didn't wake up until noon.Now it's 2 in the afternoon。.我今天早上五点醒的的翻译是:什么意思 我今天早上五点醒的的翻译是:I woke up at 5:00 this morning为什么每天早上我5点就醒了?晚上一般都是在10点到11点睡觉。 我和你也是一样的情况!晚上10点11点左右就睡着了早上醒的早5点左右就会醒!醒后继续睡觉迷迷糊糊就像做梦一样!请问现在你怎么样了?我昨天晚上凌晨5点睡觉的,英语怎么说? 强烈鄙视楼上拿翻译器直接对译这是一种不负责的态度.I went to bed at 5 o'clock last night and didn't wake up until noon.Now it's 2 in the afternoon.you must be sleeping.We missed the chance to chat again.今天早晨五点我就醒了翻译现在完成时 I had been awake five o'clock this morning.今天早晨五点我就醒了请你明天早上五点钟叫醒我,用英语怎么说 知道的告诉下 急 Could you please wake me up at 5 tomorrow?Would you mind waking me up at 5 tomorrow?


