开好房等你英语怎么翻译 你好房务中心英文翻译成中文汉字听写


英语翻译 I have the Liaoning surrounding the housing area,whether it is one room,two rooms,3 rooms.Goods are available in all varieties.,only you can not think of the house,no I do not have the good room.

开好房等你  英语怎么翻译 你好房务中心英文翻译成中文汉字听写

我真的好想你,我己在老地方开好房了,翻译成英语怎么写,谢谢了 I. 匿名用户 1级 2013-12-29 回答 I.really.miss.you.I.order.a room.at.the.old.hotel~ 追问: My feel not good too.Yesterday u talking with my bro i don't know u 。

开好房等你  英语怎么翻译 你好房务中心英文翻译成中文汉字听写

你好房务中心英文翻译成中文汉字听写 你好房务中心 Hello housekeeping center重点词汇释义你好hello;hi;How do you do。中心centrality;heart;core;kernel

开好房等你  英语怎么翻译 你好房务中心英文翻译成中文汉字听写

翻译成英文 New standards in 2010 womenReceiving a hall,Got under the kitchenNot killing the horse,Turn got the wall,Open to afford a good carAfford good housing,Doude Guo second wife,Beat the rogue.2010 men new standardReceiving a hall,Got under the kitchen.Written the code,Come check exception.Not killing the horse,Turn got the wall.Sales to support his wife,Remember mother,Have to please the wife's mother.

