求一份普通话考试三分钟说话的范文。题目:我的理想。 内容围绕想当警察来写。 谢谢了 ! 简单介绍我的家乡自贡三分钟介绍


英文介绍我的家乡——哈尔滨(急需)。 Harbin is the capital and largest city of Heilongjiang Province in Northeast China,as well as the tenth most populated city in the People's Republic of China.According to the 2010 China census data,the city's urban area has 5,878,939 inhabitants,while the total population of the sub-provincial city is up to 10,635,971.Harbin serves as a key political,economic,scientific,cultural and communications hub in Northeast China.Harbin,which is originally a Manchu word meaning\"a place for drying fishing nets\",grew from a small rural settlement on theSonghua River to become one of the largest cities in Northeast China.Founded by Russia in 1898 with the coming of the Trans-Manchurian Railway,today known as the Chinese Eastern Railway,the city first prospered as a region inhabited by an overwhelming majority of the Jewish immigrants.It is known for its bitterly cold winters and is often called the\"Ice City.\"Harbin is notable for its beautiful ice sculptures in winter and its Russian legacy,and it。

求一份普通话考试三分钟说话的范文。题目:我的理想。 内容围绕想当警察来写。 谢谢了 ! 简单介绍我的家乡自贡三分钟介绍

英文介绍家乡 Welcome to my hometownDo you know my hometown,Foshan?It's very beautiful,so Ireally love it.In Foshan,there are many interesting placeslike Baihua Plaza,Dongfang Square and Jihua Park.There aremany famous places,too,Such as Zumiao Temple,LiangYuan.People in Foshan are very kind.And Foshan is alsoa history city,too.I think you will love my hometown.Welcome to my hometown。

求一份普通话考试三分钟说话的范文。题目:我的理想。 内容围绕想当警察来写。 谢谢了 ! 简单介绍我的家乡自贡三分钟介绍

贵州 我的家乡英语演讲稿 三分钟内 急用!谢谢大家帮助 一、卒章言“志”表真诚\\x0d这是竞聘演讲常用的一种结尾方法,主要是指演讲者表明自己“上任”后的抱负和决心.在竞聘村委会主任的演讲会上,一位刚从管理学院毕业的小伙子在演讲结束时这样说:“我虽然没有当干部的经验,但我有为官一任、造福一村的热情.如果选我当村委会主任,我保证两年之内实现以上规划,让咱村改变面貌.让大家人人抱上金饭碗.说到做到,决不放空炮.如不兑现,我甘愿下台受罚。不仅我这一百多斤要交给大家,我还要把我家的楼房和几万元存折都压上.”\\x0d他“明明白白”表明了自己的信心和决心,使听众很快由怀疑、惊奇变为信任和亲近,话音刚落,台上台下便掌声一片.他的真诚深深感动了乡亲们,不少人都投了他的票.?\\x0d二、发出号召表真心\\x0d有的演讲者还在结尾时直接向听众提出希望,发出号召.但这种“号召”大大不同于一般演讲的“号召”,它是以竞聘成功为直接目的的,说白了,也就是号召听众投自己的票.例如,在某企业竞聘副经理演讲时,一位演讲者在演讲结束时直截了当地向听众说:“同志们,朋友们,请大家助我一笔之力投我一票吧,因为选我就等于选了你自己。(掌声热烈)\\x0d他的这一号召很管用,言语不多,却亲切感人,如同一根魔棒一样触动了听众的心灵,使大家。

求一份普通话考试三分钟说话的范文。题目:我的理想。 内容围绕想当警察来写。 谢谢了 ! 简单介绍我的家乡自贡三分钟介绍

我的家乡是淮安,求一篇介绍我的家乡的英语演讲稿,字数最好差不多写满一张A4纸的半张,生词难度中上,但也不要太简单, My hometown,HuaiAn【HuaiAn】is not only the city where I was born,but also the only place I've never been able to leave.5 years ago,I moved from here to another city to begin my college life.The day.


求一份普通话考试三分钟说话的范文。题目:我的理想。 内容围绕想当警察来写。 谢谢了 !

我的家乡普通话三分钟作文 我的家乡 我的家乡坐落在×市的一个小山村,那里没有城市热闹,也没有城市的喧哗与繁华,不过那里山清水秀,那是我最熟悉的地方,那里有着我童年美好的回忆。记得。

介绍家乡的英语对话。大约3分钟。 Bill:Hello,let me introduce myself.I'm Bill from Wenzhou.Any:Nice to meet you。I'm Any.I don't think I've seen you around before.Bill:No.I just started working here this month.I'm in the Sales Departme.

我的家乡 英语演讲 4分钟左右

