“图片仅供参考,请以实物为准”英文怎么说? 样品仅供你们参考款式英文


另外我们将邮寄一些样品供你们参考,期望能早日收到你们的订单,请放心,我方将予以认真处理. 另外我们将邮寄一些样品供你们参考,期 望能早日收到你们的订单,请放心,我方将 予以认真处理 In addition we will post some sample for your reference,expectations will soon receive your order,please rest assu.

“图片仅供参考,请以实物为准”英文怎么说? 样品仅供你们参考款式英文

请问你给我的这个样品只是供颜色参考是吗? 可以帮忙用英文翻译一下吗? So,the sample you provided is only for color reference,right?

“图片仅供参考,请以实物为准”英文怎么说? 样品仅供你们参考款式英文


“图片仅供参考,请以实物为准”英文怎么说? 样品仅供你们参考款式英文

英语翻译附件是屈媛今天发到北京来的全套样品图片供参考.请提供邮寄地址.有关附件的墙纸想确认一下- 屈媛说已经得到你的确认并开始制作了,你确定确认过吗?(翻译软件翻译的就不用回答了 )

请帮手将以下中文译成英语“样品今天早上已寄给您,附件是样品的照片供你参考,如果您能在本周未能批核此办,对我们能提前交货将有很大的帮助.” 个人认为既然是商务信函,应更正式、更书面化些.供参考This morning the samples have been sent to you,enclosed are sample photos for your reference.Would you please approval it before this weekend at your earliest convenience?It will be highly appreciated for our ahead of delivery schedule.Thanks.如果您能在本周未能批核此办-如果您能在本 周末 能批核此办?口语化的the samples have been sent to you,sample photos as affix with my letter.It is fine to finish the approval process for our delivery as soon as possible.

英语翻译 Miss Li:Hello。I have prepared the sample(only to supply reference,makes when goodsspecification may according to expensive department demand),pleaseconfirm。Thanks。Specifically as follows:Writing brush:5(different design,for reference。Inkslab:2(different design,for reference。Ink:2Adjusts the ink:2Pen rack:2(size not one,for reference。The quotation please looked attaches the files。Thanks。Wen Gang\\ yellow ' S07-11-06

