按时候去上学英语翻译 英语翻译


是该去上学的时候了. It is time that we went to school.

按时候去上学英语翻译 英语翻译

英语翻译 1.每天你何时去上学?我6:30分去,我从不迟到.when_do you go to school every day?At 6:30.I_am_never_late_for_school.2.在星期天刘浩要么看电视要么听周杰伦的歌.Liu Hao_will_watch_TV_or_listens to Zhou Jielun’s songs on Sundays.3.王海有份有趣的工作,他在一家象棋俱乐部工作.Wang Haihas an_interesting_job_.He_works_at a chess club.4.我不喜欢吃得快,这样对健康不好.I don’tlike_eat_fast_.It_is_bad_for_health.5.你是什么时候到达北京的?When do you_arrive_in_Beijing?6.小明不想晚饭后散步.Xiaoming doesn’t want_to_walk_at_6o’clock.7.我的弟弟在下午做家庭作业.My brother_will_do_homework_in theafternoon.8.请告诉他们每天早上读英语.Please tell them_to_speak_every morning.9.我六点一刻起床.I_get_up_at_6:15.10.我妈妈八点钟去上班.My mother_goes_to_work_at_8:00.11.然后我吃早餐.Then I_have_brekfast_.12.Mike九点去睡觉.Mike_goes_to_bed_at 9:00.13.对于许多外国人而言,说好汉语不容易.To_many foreigners,it’s not_easy_to_learn_Chinese well.14.我每天过河上学.I_across_the_river_to get to school 。

按时候去上学英语翻译 英语翻译


按时候去上学英语翻译 英语翻译

英语翻译 用两种方式翻译下列句子1.艾丽斯每天走路去上学Alice walks to school every day(我写的,不要改walking,不是现在进行时Alice goes to school on foot every day.2.汤姆 坐小汽车去乡下Tom goes to countryside by car(我写的你要再写一个,不要把by改成take或on换句型)Tom drives to countryside.3.玛丽骑自行车去公园Marry goes to park by bike(同上)Mary rides to the park4彼得坐船去上学Peter takes the ship to go to school(别把takestheship改成by\\take boat之类)Peter goes to school by boat5.基蒂坐火车去上海Kitty takes the train to the ShanghaiKitty goes to Shanghai by train.

英语翻译 We should go to school我没该去上学了It's time for us to go to school.上学的时间到了


英语翻译 1.Experience made him to be a man2.It's late,so I have to go to school now.3.This country has gone through so many wars.4.Marry went there so early in order to take a good seat.

英语翻译 A winter noon,Li Lei go to school,hear somebody while he wants a gap bridge,crying for help,Li Lei sees downward to a little girl in the river,Li Lei jumps into in the water rescuing a girl.

