我的爸爸明天打算去钓鱼英语 英语翻译


今天下午我和我的父亲去钓鱼英语翻译 I went fishing with my dad this afternoon.

我的爸爸明天打算去钓鱼英语 英语翻译

<我和爸爸准备去钓鱼>的英语翻译 Dad and I are ready to go fishing.Dad and I have prepared for going fishing.

我的爸爸明天打算去钓鱼英语 英语翻译

英语翻译 i remember when i was 9 years old,my father and i went fishing at a small lake which was not far from our home.As i had never done that before,i could just follow what my dad told me to do.At the end,surprisingly,i got 8 fish while my dad only caught 1 in the whole afternoon.how interesting was it。

我的爸爸明天打算去钓鱼英语 英语翻译

我打算和我的爸爸去钓鱼。的英文怎么读 我打算和我的爸爸去钓鱼I'm going fishing with my dad.我打算和我的爸爸去钓鱼I'm going fishing with my dad.

如果明天不下雨,我的爸爸将会去钓鱼 英语 注意时态 My father will go fishing if it doesn't rain tomorrow.或者If it doesn'train tomorrow,my father will go fishing.

写日记我和爸爸去钓鱼,怎么写 今天,阳光明媚,风和日丽,万里无云,蔚蓝的天空上飘着朵朵白云,我和爸爸带着渔具去河里钓鱼。我在鱼钩上挂了一点鱼食,然后学着爸爸的样子把鱼线使劲向河水深处抛,接着。

英语翻译用一般将来时或be going to do sth.或be to do sth.或be abeut to do sth 或be doing sth.等结构翻译1.你必须在十点钟前回来.2.莉莉告诉我他要来看望我.3.我一回到家就写信给我的父母.4.如果我知道答案的话,我会打电话给你.5.tom没打算住在那座小屋.6.我叔叔今晚要来.7.你爸爸明天下午要去钓鱼吗?不,他要去游泳.8.毕业后你

我爸爸一周去钓鱼两次的英文 我爸爸一周去钓鱼两次My father go fishing two times a week我爸爸一周去钓鱼两次My father go fishing two times a week

一.把句子翻译成英语 1.and me are going to go fishiing2.will come to Shenzhen3.will to4.becomes1.he/she/you me2.myself3.that4.those/these5.that

“我爸爸喜欢周末去钓鱼”用英语怎么说? My father likes to go fishing at weekends.
