关于缅怀先烈的英文句子有那些? 文明蔡示赵尚志图片


关于缅怀先烈的英文句子有那些? Eternal life to the revolutionary martyrs。革命先烈永垂不朽。The tyrant dies and his rule ends,the martyr dies and his rule begins.(Kierkegaard)暴君死了,他的统治就结束了;烈士死了,他的统治刚开始.(克尔凯郭尔)That girl whose father is martyr studies very hard.父亲是烈士的那个女孩学习非常刻苦.They discovered a diary left behind by the martyr.他们发现了这位烈士遗留下来的一本日记.They took revenge for the martyr's death on the enemy.他们为死难的烈士向敌人报仇.He died a martyr to the revolution at the age of 26.在26岁时他为革命壮烈牺牲了.The martyr's remains are buried at the foot of the hill.烈士的遗体葬在山脚下.The city was named Shangzhi in memory of the martyr named Zhao Shangzhi.这个城市叫尚志,是为了纪念赵尚志烈士而命名的.He fell into the enemy hands and died a martyr at the age of 26.他落入敌人手中,壮烈牺牲,那时才26岁.He arrived in Yenan in the spring of last year,went to work in the Wutai Mountains,and to our great sorrow died a martyr at his post.去年春上到延安,后来。

以我是这样过清明节为题目写一段话 年年清明都逢雨,那雨像漫天飞舞的泪花。也习惯了在清明节看雨、淋雨;如果哪一年破例遇上个大睛天,心,总觉得这个节不圆满,有些残缺.也许,也只有这样的情与景,才能给逝去的灵魂一丝慰藉吧。

