英语翻译 你打算去图书


用英语写,你今天打算什么时候去图书馆? 不行

用英语写,你今天打算什么时候去图书馆? 我打算今天下午去。 广告hvf

英语翻译 Ben is going to go shopping to buy some gifts for hie parents.I am not going to go to library with you,because I will watch football match.Would you please go to picnic with me?Certainly,I'm glad.

一天你打算去图书馆可是走到一半迷路了你会怎么想会怎么做 回去,不去图书馆了

英语翻译 1.She went to the library and read going tomorrow2.He will go to dinner this weekend3.He is going to help my mother cook4.She was ready to next Sunday to fly a kite5.Three years later he will want to.

你打算什么时候去图书馆?用英语怎么写? When are you going to the library?

英语翻译 where are you going this weekend?I am going to library.what will you do there?I will read words book?when will you go?I will go there on Saturday morning.

打算在图书馆呆上一天,学习累了怎么办? 人不是机器,累的时候是需要休息的,不要那么强迫自己,硬撑着的学习,效率也是不高的,事半功倍是需要劳逸结合的,不过累的时候可以听听歌,放松一下,或者是趴在桌上小睡一会,之后的学习效果是显而易见的,你可以试试

想知道对方打算什么时候去图书馆,你可以问:英语. What time are you going to the library?What time do you plan to go to the library?

