你打算到什么地方去旅行英语 一篇英文作文,你打算和谁去旅行,把你和朋友的有关对话写下来.


你和你家人打算去哪旅行?为什么选择那个地方?英文作文。急急,谢谢了 The summer vacation is coming.I will go to Hainan with my parents.It's very good for us to make enough preparation before we start our trip.First,Iwill surf the internet or get some informations so that I can make sure where to go.Second,decide when to start and choose ways of transport.Third,compare the price and route to choose the tour company.Four,pack the bag according to the climit of the place and traditions.I think if I prepare well enough,I am sure I will have a good time.

你打算到什么地方去旅行  英语 一篇英文作文,你打算和谁去旅行,把你和朋友的有关对话写下来.

你打算去旅行吗?翻译成英文 Are you going to take a travel?

你打算到什么地方去旅行  英语 一篇英文作文,你打算和谁去旅行,把你和朋友的有关对话写下来.

英语作文 选择一个你想去的地方 为什么选它 写出旅行计划 (中学水平的 100字左右 中英文都有) The Travel PlanThis winter holiday,I want to go to Beijing.Because it is very beutiful city with a long history.And I really want to visit the Great Wall,it's so famous.I plan to travel four days.The.

你打算到什么地方去旅行  英语 一篇英文作文,你打算和谁去旅行,把你和朋友的有关对话写下来.

写一篇英语作文 I plans to go to Shanghai Expo this summer vacation with my friends.We will drive to shanghai by ourselves.We will also visit some tourism cities like Nanjing,Wuxi and Suzhou along the route to shan.

英语翻译 1 你打算带几个人去法国旅行.How many people will you take to France?2 我和Jack 约好了明天上午去公园Jave and I have agreed to go to the park tomorrow morning.3 你明天有约会吗?Do you have a date tomorrow.

你想去哪里旅行,为什么?(用英语回答。) I would like to travel to the United States,because I've always wanted to see the Statue of Liberty.

写一篇假期旅游的打算 英语作文包括去什么地方,与谁去,交通工具,做些什么,为什么等.

