我打算晚上七点去英语翻译 英语翻译


英语翻译 A:Why didn't you have class yesterday evening?B:Because I was on business trip/attended a classmate party/worked overtime/felt tired,that's why I didn't have class.A:In my mind you are seldom absent。B:Thanks for your praise.But I'm not an iron man/super man.A:I see.Mrs Wan asked us to buy New Concept together,it will be 30 percent discount if we buy together.Are you going to buy it with me?A;OK.B:Thanks。Give the money to Mrs Wan by that time.A:All right.See you on next Monday evening。

我打算晚上七点去英语翻译 英语翻译

英语翻译 there is going to have a basketball game tonight.next weekend we we are not going to play basketball.,we are going to have piano classes.is he going to have a swim on Saturday?

我打算晚上七点去英语翻译 英语翻译

英语翻译 1.When must I arrive home?You must arrive home at 7:45.2.What time do you usually go to bed?3.What time are you going to have dinner?We are going to have dinner at 6:15.

我打算晚上七点去英语翻译 英语翻译

英语翻译 1、我想他们将会在明天下午搬进来吧.I think they will move in tomorrow afternoon.2、我们后天晚上会在家里开一个晚会.We will have an evening party at home the night after tomorrow.3、孩子们今天早晨七点半吃的早饭.The kids had breakfast at seven thirty this morning.4、汉斯昨天开车回的家.Hans drove home yesterday.5、看,他正在河里游泳呢.Look,he is swimming in the river.
