请问谁有简奥斯汀生平和介绍她作品的的英文简介?非常着急。 Jane Austen(16 December 1775 – 18 July 1817)was an novelist whose realism,biting social commentary and masterful use of free indirect speech,burlesque and irony have earned her a place as.简奥斯丁英文简介 writer,who first gave the novel its modern character through the treatment of everyday life.Although Austen was widely read in her lifetime,she published her works anonymously.The most urgent.简 奥斯汀 的英文资料. 简奥斯汀生平和介绍她作品的的英文简介Jane Austen(16 December 1775 – 18 July 1817)was an novelist whose realism,biting social commentary and masterful use of free indirect speech,burlesque and irony have earned her a place as one of the most widely read and best-loved writers in literature.[1]Austen lived her entire life as part of a small and close-knit family located on the lower fringes of gentry.[2]She was educated primarily by her father and older brothers as well as through her own reading.The steadfast support of her family was critical to Austen's development as a professional writer.[3]Austen's artistic apprenticeship lasted from her teenage years until she was about thirty-five years old.During this period,she wrote three major novels and began a fourth.[B]From 1811 until 1815,with the release of Sense and Sensibility(1811),Pride and Prejudice(1813),Mansfield Park(1814)and Emma(1815),she achieved success as a published writer.She wrote two 。跪求《成为简奥斯汀》的英文内容简介!!! The year is 1795 and young Jane Austen is a feisty 20-year-old and emerging writer who already sees a world beyond class and commerce,beyond pride and prejudice,and dreams of doing what was then nearly unthinkable-marrying for love.Naturally,her parents are searching for a wealthy,well-appointed husband to assure their daughter's future social standing.They are eyeing Mr.Wisley,nephew to the very formidable,not to mention very rich,local aristocrat Lady Gresham,as a prospective match.But when Jane meets the roguish and decidedly non-aristocratic Tom Lefroy,sparks soon fly along with the sharp repartee.His intellect and arrogance raise her ire-then knock her head over heels.Now,the couple,whose flirtation flies in the face of the sense and sensibility of the age,is faced with a terrible dilemma.If they attempt to marry,they will risk everything that matters-family,friends and fortune.翻译关于简奥斯汀的一句英文描述 她知道来如何用简单却意味深长的手法刻画人物,这些人物形象鲜明令人难以忘记。个人认为suggestive意为表面意思有暗示的,即与前面的pure对比。显示作者刻画源人物是赋予其内涵的。而relief可理解为鲜明的作品,即从浮雕这个意思引申而来如果没有上下文 无法看出zdrelief其本意宽慰的意思简 奥斯汀的简介 简奥斯汀(1775年12月16日-1817年7月18日)是英国小说家,其之间的浪漫小说作品集 绅士 为赢得最广泛和最心爱的阅读英语文学作家之一她的地方。其中学者和评论家,奥斯丁 现实主义 咬和社会评论,结下她作为一个作家的历史意义。奥斯汀生活,作为对英国绅士下边缘位于严密的家族的一员她的整个生活。她是受过教育的,主要由她的父亲和哥哥以及通过自己的阅读。她的家人的坚定支持是至关重要的奥斯丁的发展作为一个专业作家。[3]奥斯丁的艺术学徒从她十几岁的持续多年,直到她大约三十五岁。在此期间,她尝试了各种文学形式,包括 书信体小说 她想,然后放弃,并撰写和广泛的修改三大小说,开始了第四位。从1811年到1816年,与释放 理性与感性(1811)傲慢与偏见(1813年);曼斯菲尔德公园(1814年)和 艾玛(1816年),她获得了成功作为出版的作家。她说两个额外的小说,诺桑觉寺 和 劝说,都出版于1818年死后,并开始了第三次,这是最终名为 Sanditon,但在此之前完成其死亡。奥斯丁的作品的批评 小说的感性 对18世纪后半叶是对19世纪现实主义过渡的一部分。奥斯丁的情节,虽然从根本上漫画,[5]突出了妇女在婚姻的依赖,以确保社会地位和经济安全.像那些 塞缪尔。
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