我来帮你把这封信给她英文怎么说 英语翻译


当你看到这封信的时候,请给我回信好吗。用英语怎么说。 当你看到这封信的时候,请给我回信好吗when you receive this letter,please to this letter,would you?首先我们都知道,letter is to be read not be seen.英语的习惯是说成读信而不是看信.see的用法就是不对的.即使你想表达让对方把信看完,再给你写回信,你也要至少这样表达,When you read the letter,please to this letter.回信英语的说法是reply to a letter,非常明确的地道的表示回信的一种表达.请please好吗?would you?或者 will you?其中would you比较委婉一些,如果你不是特别在乎对方的反应的话,一般用will you?来表达也是可以的.还有一种更好的表达方法:Would you with a note on receiving this letterWould you with a note upon receiving this letteron receiving,upon receiving在收到.的时候,在收到之后.的时候

我来帮你把这封信给她英文怎么说 英语翻译

请把这封信交给玛丽亚     我会把它交给她       用英语怎么说? Please give this letter to Maria I'll give it to her

我来帮你把这封信给她英文怎么说 英语翻译

请把这封信给他(英语怎么说) Please give this letter to him.或:Please give him this letter.

我来帮你把这封信给她英文怎么说 英语翻译

请把这封信带给她英语怎么说了 请把这封信带给她Please bring this letter to her

英语翻译 1.Please the girl's letter as soos as possible.2.How many letters have you received from her?I have two.3.Why do not you my telephone/short message/email?4.Have you received my letter?5.I have received two letters from you.

我不准备把那封信送给她用英语怎么说 I am not going to give her that letter.

