批注,是常用的一种读书方法。请仿照下面的示例给文段中画线句子作批注。(4分) 我。 答案示例:⑴写眼睛,刻画了祥林嫂内心深处受到摧残,精神麻木,已濒临死亡。(2分)⑵通过细节描写,写出了祥林嫂走投无路,沦为乞丐的处境。(2分)
求高手把下面这段话翻译成英文,且没有语法错误 谢谢 By using the method of the accident tree analysis,the explosion of the coal dust common accident is analyzed,and the drawing of coal dust explosion accident tree were,on the basis of the calculation of minimum cut set,the path set,and the structure importance analysis,so as to master of coal dust explosion the cause of the accident,laws,and advances some concrete measures of prevention,in order to ensure the safety of coal mine production.
关于树木的资料 参考:http://baike.baidu.com/subview/143352/6479955.htm#3 触目惊心的环境污染随处可见:天空昏暗、空气污浊、污水横流、垃圾围城…,连远在冰天雪地的南极企鹅体内也。
英语翻译 By using fault tree analysis,we anlyzed the common accident from coal dust explosion and drew the fault tree analysis of coal dust explosion.Base on these work,we calculated the minimal cut sets,minimal path sets and analyzed the importance of structure.In order to grasp the real reason and discipline of coal dust explosion.And we proposed a specific control measures to ensure the safety of coal production.
在系统安全分析方法中,事故树定性分析的最小割集的求法有多种,常用的有()。 正确答案:AC