如何评价电影《成为简·奥斯汀》? 成为简奥斯丁经典对话


求《成为简奥斯汀》中的一段英文对白,20分!!! 姐姐叫CassandraCassandra:A letter?在写信?Jane:No.It's something I began in London.It's the tale of a young woman.two young wamen.Better than their circunmstances.不。在伦敦开始写的。关于一个…两个年轻女子的故事。她们的境况比我们好多了。Cassandra:So many are.很多人比我们好。Jane:And two young gentlemen who receive much better than their deserts as so very many do.还有两个同样比别的很多人优越的公子哥。Cassandra:How does the story begin?故事开头怎么样?Jane:Badly.很糟。Cassandra:And then?然后呢?Jane:It gets worse.With,I hope,some humour.更糟了。我想带点幽默。Cassandra:How does it end?结局怎么样?They both make triumphant,happy endings.她们都得到了幸福。Cassandra:Brilliant marriages?幸福的婚姻?Jane:Incandescent marriages.To very rich men.非常幸福。和很有钱的男人。(笑)怎样看待电影《成为简奥斯汀》中简对婚姻的看法??,谁能帮帮我? 即使雷弗洛伊没有出现,简可能依然不会结婚。看了一些书关于简的生平,简的感情涉及的很少,无从考证,而简是不是那么深的爱国雷弗洛伊,也无法知道。简说过,没有感情的婚姻她是看不起的,但是就简来说,他有一个聪慧的头脑,在英国那个以金钱为婚姻目的,女人只是附庸品的时代来说,很少会有人配得上简,或者说能被简爱上。而那个时代,女人为生育付出的代价太多了,很多女性都是因为生产而死亡,简不喜欢这样的生活,或许正是因为简的未婚,她才有了更多的时间和空间 2011-9-21 21:02:34成为简奥斯汀 里的一句台词 经典对白:成为简·奥斯汀 Becoming Jane(2007)Mrs.Austen:Affection is desirable.Money is absolutely indispensable。Jane Austen:If I marry,I want it to be out of affection.Like my mother.Mrs.Austen:And I have to dig up my own bloody potatoes。Tom Lefroy:How can you,of all people,dispose of yourself without affection?Jane Austen:How can I dispose of myself with it?Mrs.Austen:JANE。Lady Gresham:What is she doing?Mr.Wisley:Writing.Lady Gresham:Can anything be done about it?Tom Lefroy:What value will there ever be in life,if we aren't together?Jane Austen:My characters shall have,after a little trouble,all that they desire.Tom Lefroy:If you wish to practice the art of fiction,to be considered the equal of a masculine author,then your horizons must be.widened.如何评价电影《成为简·奥斯汀》? “She began now to comprehend that he was exactly the man who,in disposition and talents,would m…<成为简奥斯汀>中经典英文对白 经典对白:成为简·奥斯汀 Becoming Jane(2007)Mrs.Austen:Affection is desirable.Money is absolutely indispensable。Jane Austen:If I marry,I want it to be out of affection.Like my mother.Mrs.Austen:And I have to dig up my own bloody potatoes。Tom Lefroy:How can you,of all people,dispose of yourself without affection?Jane Austen:How can I dispose of myself with it?Mrs.Austen:JANE。Lady Gresham:What is she doing?Mr.Wisley:Writing.Lady Gresham:Can anything be done about it?Tom Lefroy:What value will there ever be in life,if we aren't together?Jane Austen:My characters shall have,after a little trouble,all that they desire.Tom Lefroy:If you wish to practice the art of fiction,to be considered the equal of a masculine author,then your horizons must be.widened.

