英语作文(假如我是李华,暑假期间我去朋友Mike所在的城市悉尼Sydney 旅游,回来后我想对他表 In Sydney,I saw a lot of beautiful sceneries and lovely animals,the green trees,the red flowers,the kangaroos andso on.I also visited the Sydney Opera House,it。
我去悉尼过暑假怎么用英文读? My summer vacation is going to Australia.我暑假打算去澳大利亚游览观光。
我现在是大二在校学生,暑假想去悉尼看一个在那边读书的朋友,我没有去过其它国家,我要怎么样办签证呢? 还是办理旅游签证吧,毕竟你是没工作单位的。护照原件:1、有效期6个月以上的护照;2、请在护照最后一页须签名(中文姓名)3、护照至少2张连续页码空白页(该页与该页反面)4、持换发护照者,需同时提供所有旧护照原件.照片:最近半年拍的两寸白底免冠彩照3张 markvisa名片:2张身份证:正反两面身份证复印件1份户口本:全家户口本复印件暂住证:1、非广东领区(广东、广西、福建、海南)的须提供暂住证原件及复印件2、护照首页复印件营业执照:中方公司营业执照复印件加盖公章放假信:1、中方公司放假证明1份(英文)2、须有须有公司地址,电话,传真,批准准假证明,停留时间,按期返回中国的保证,申请人姓名,性别,护照号码,出生年月,职务,月薪,身份证号码3、须用正规的公司抬头信笺打印,负责人签名,加盖公司公章经济证明:1、最近半年活期记录的存折复印件2、如无存折原件,只有卡,请到银行开具存款证明以近半年的历史交易清单,清单必须显示申请人的姓名,并且打印到当前日期3、切勿在最后突然存入大额款项;无论是定期或活期存折,存款越多越好;最好能够提供工资卡的记录markvisa4、其他财产:房产证、汽车行驶证、股票、。
假如你是李华,去年暑假你和父母去澳大利亚的悉尼旅游.两周的旅行给你留下了深刻的印象. 1.Sydney is located in the south east coast of Australia,here a pleasant climate,beautiful environment,beautiful scenery,summer heat,winter is not cold,sunshine is enough,rainfall is abundant2.
我现在读初二,今年暑假打算去澳大利亚悉尼读一个月的书,求那边初中的具体生活。会不适应吗? 一个月,一般都会给你安排好的,也没有什么太大的选择。
英语作文(假如我是李华,暑假期间我去朋友Mike所在的城市悉尼Sydney 旅游,回来后我想对他表达自己的感激之情的) Dear Mike,Thanks for inviting me to Sydeny in summer holiday.It's a really wonderful city,I think I have already fall in love with it.From this trip,I learnt a lot of things about Sydney.Sydney is t.
英语作文,正在考试,急用。 你好。I'm Li Hua,I and my parents went to Australia Sydney for atravel last summer,two weeks of travel left a deep impression on me.Sydney is located in the southeast coast of Australia,the pleasant climate,and the environment is beautiful,and the weather in Sydeny is great,in summer it's not hot,and in winter it's not cold,plenty of sunshine,plenty of rain.Sydney is the first big city,and it is Australia business,trade,finance,tourism and cultural center.We visited many sightseeing place,the Sydney opera house,museum,art galleries,and greatly small national park,etc.The Sydney 2000 games greatly increased the international fame and popularity.