下午晚些时候我打算和朋友去看电影英语 用英语写周末计划 1星期六上午和妈妈一起去超市,下午读书;2星期天上午和朋友去看电影;3星期天


英语翻译 Todos los d铆as me levanto a las 7 de la ma帽ana,desayuno y voy a asistir las clases,por la tarde cuando no hay clases generalmente voy a jugar al baloncesto o quedarme en el dormitorio para nav.

下午晚些时候我打算和朋友去看电影英语 用英语写周末计划 1星期六上午和妈妈一起去超市,下午读书;2星期天上午和朋友去看电影;3星期天

英语翻译 1我明天打算去远足I am going to go hiking tomorrow.Are you going to go hiking tomorrow?2我父母下周一将要去看一场演出My parents are going to watch a performance next Monday.Are your parents going to wat.

下午晚些时候我打算和朋友去看电影英语 用英语写周末计划 1星期六上午和妈妈一起去超市,下午读书;2星期天上午和朋友去看电影;3星期天

晚些时候用英语怎么写 晚些时候英语翻译如下:1、later2、by and by3、afterwards以上3种译法都可以。例句:那天晚些时候,我正和凯蒂一起胡闹时,她不小心用手指戳。

下午晚些时候我打算和朋友去看电影英语 用英语写周末计划 1星期六上午和妈妈一起去超市,下午读书;2星期天上午和朋友去看电影;3星期天

英语翻译 A day of mineIt is Saturday.I got up as early as 7:30.After brushed my teeth,I had breakfast with mom and dad.The breakfast was very good.After I did my summer homework,I watched TV.My parents went out at noon,so I had lunch at my grandma's house.In the afternoon my good friends asked me out to play basketball.We had a great time.And I was exhausted when I returned home.I went to bed early after taking a bath and practicing a few pages of calligraphy.It was not too special a day,but I felt it was well spent,and I was very happy.优等生应该自己试着把英文写出来,再请别人帮你看看改改.

英语翻译 If I go to see a movie,I won't be able to finish my homework.If you stay at home alone,don't let any stranger in.If you get up late,you will not catch the early bus.If it were to rain tomorrow,we wou.

英语九年级上册[人教版]第六单元的Grammar Focus是什么 人教版新目标英语八年级上1-12单元课文翻译一单元SECTION A图片 周末你通常做什么?我经常去看电影。1c 她在周末做什么?她经常去看电影。2a 你多久看一次电视?每周两次。。

周末去找女朋友,我们打算去看电影 ,然后我们就在网上看票,然后她说那决定去我就团购喽,我说好的,, 不就是一张电影票嘛,用不着过意不去的。俩个人谈恋爱又不是买东西,你几毛我几块的,不用分的那么清楚,这她买,下次你买不就好了嘛,只要俩人在一起开开心心的,其他的都不重要。你要是实在觉得过意不去,呐,去看电影的时候你就去买爆米花啊可乐啊之类的零食。女生嘛,就是喜爱些小玩意,你可以时不时的买点她喜欢的东西送给她,不要问她喜欢什么啦,那太没惊喜感了,两个人在一起,要从生活中的点点滴滴的细节里发现她的喜好,我跟我男朋友恋爱3年多了,他喜欢的颜色啊,喜欢的水果啊,他的小癖好啊我知道的清清楚楚,都是平常生活中发现的。对于女孩子来说,对于自己心爱的人,根本不用什么名贵的东西来讨好,也许只是一个小小的礼物就会让她感动。去年我生日,我男友把一个一毛钱硬币亲手用美工刀一点点雕刻出来的指环送给我。我直接感动的不行。其实你俩谁花钱不是花啊,用不着分的那么明确,只要在一起开心就好。看你回复别人的答案就知道你女友是个很好很好的女孩子。你要好好对人家啊,好好珍惜她啊。祝你们幸福~

《我的周末计划》英语作文】(大概提示:周六早上干什么。下午干什么。晚上干什么。周日早上干什么。下午 From the sixteenth of January to the seventh of February is our Winter Holiday.I think everybody did a lot of things in the Winter Holiday.But I didn’t.Let you to listen to my story of Winter Holiday.I spend a lot of time on the homework.Every day in my Winter Holiday,I always got up late.Then I listened to the tape,it was nine o’clock.Then I ate breakfast and then I did my homework during the daytime。I’m not very slow but the homework was too heavy。I’m unlucky on the playing too.I played firecracker but I hurt my finger with the fire.I‘m careless to kindle the firecracker,so I’m very unlucky.I still unlucky on my friend’s party.In the morning,I wanted to get up early but I woke up at 10:50.After ten minutes,the party would start。So I only eat a piece of bread then I go to my friend’s home。And I stay at his home for a long time when I came home.My mother and father were very angry and they scolded me。I’m worried and feel unlucky on my weigh.Last term,I was 48 kilogram。

2014秋季英语六年级上册第四页翻译 Let’s read 放学后你打算干什么?我想买一双鞋,鞋店在哪?在医院旁边。我怎样到达医院?你可以乘301路公共汽车。在电影院站下车。然后直走三分钟。医院在你的左边。谢谢。

用英语写周末计划 1星期六上午和妈妈一起去超市,下午读书;2星期天上午和朋友去看电影;3星期天 On Saturday,I will go shopping with my mother in the morning,and read books at home in the afternoon.On Sunday,I plan to go to see a movie with my friends in the morning,clean my room in the afternoon.

