让我们思考讨论一下的英文 我们是否缺少思考的能力,特别是独立思考?


英语课上老师总是让我们讨论问题,我觉得他讲的没有什么好说的 因为他觉得你好呗!所以才对你的要求高!

让我们思考讨论一下的英文 我们是否缺少思考的能力,特别是独立思考?

英语翻译 Hello everyone,today,my topic is\"conformity\",first of all,let us see a video.Everyone after watching this video,we will find,there are test and experimental characters always home to do the same action,this is the conformity phenomenon,the first in the history of the herd phenomenon is a man named Jenness,who was born in 1932.Next,I want to talk about the influence of many factors,the 1 is Group size2 Disent3 your mood4 Need for structre5 is Authority,is this a few factors affect on conformity,as we have to say about the factors the reasons people herd mentality,the reason of herd mentality is because the masses caused by pressure,so that his behavior is wrong.Conformity to the harm is very great,1,can make the person's personality disappeared in 2,people can obtain the anonymous,which makes people go all lengths of 3,would stifle innovation.Finally,I want to talk about how to deal with the herd mentality,for individuals,to learn independent thinking,for the family,the parents let 。

让我们思考讨论一下的英文 我们是否缺少思考的能力,特别是独立思考?


让我们思考讨论一下的英文 我们是否缺少思考的能力,特别是独立思考?

如何让自己的英语写作达到英语母语者的水平? (1)http://www. procon.org 这个网站对于应试场景来说非常适用,许多同学反映在英语考试的考场上常常想不出有力的、能让人眼前一亮的观点,。(2)http:// brainyquote.com 。

英语翻译 Everyone of us has dream,way and future.Our dreams always be so beautiful and entrusts the hope.However,beautiful dream are easily to be broken.The road of life won't be easy,often give us e.

